December 01, 2021 | Daily Business Review
Alec Baldwin Shooting Puts Workplace Safety in the SpotlightThe tragic shooting involving Alec Baldwin that took place recently on the "Rust" movie set again places a spotlight on workplace safety, not only on film sets, but generally in the workplace, as well as the devastating consequences of failure to make workplace safety a priority.
By Shannon Kelly
5 minute read
March 19, 2021 | Daily Business Review
Biden's New Gender Policy Council's Potential Major Impact on Employment LawOn International Women's Day, March 8, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. signed an executive order establishing a White House Gender Policy Council, which may have implications for labor and employment laws under the new administration.
By Shannon Kelly and Steven Reardon
5 minute read
December 21, 2020 | Daily Business Review
Can Employers Require the COVID-19 Vaccine?Before reaching a conclusion, however, employers should consider the legal concerns associated with requiring the vaccine. While it may be months before employers are required to make this decision, it is important to start thinking about the ramifications.
By Shannon Kelly and Howie Waldman
5 minute read
June 17, 2020 | Daily Business Review
Historic Supreme Court Decision Upholds Employment Protection for LGBTQ EmployeesThe U.S. Supreme Court resolved once and for all a split among federal appeals courts, holding that Title VII's prohibition of employment discrimination based on sex extends to employees discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
By Shannon Kelly
5 minute read
December 24, 2019 | Daily Business Review
Employers and LGBT Community Waiting for 2020 Supreme Court DecisionsIn 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to issue decisions in three cases that will determine whether discrimination based upon gender identity and sexual orientation is covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII).
By Shannon Kelly
4 minute read