April 26, 2017 | Texas Lawyer
FDCPA Ban on Deceptive Collections Practices Extends to Conduct by Lawyers in CourtThe Federal Debt Collection Practices Act ("FDCPA"), which bans deceptive and abusive debt collection practices, is often viewed as a regulation targeting only debt collection agencies. However, a recent ruling in the Eleventh Circuit clarifies that an attorney's conduct in court may also violate the Act.
By Shari Klevens and Randy Evans
13 minute read
February 14, 2017 | Texas Lawyer
Moving Your Law Firm? What Client Files Should Go With You?Law firms are moving more often with fewer complications, but a change of address should not be undertaken without giving due consideration to the proper retention of client files.
By Shari Klevens and Randy Evans
11 minute read
January 06, 2017 | Texas Lawyer
New Year's Resolutions You Can KeepNew Year's resolutions are not just for your personal life. You can make important resolutions that will drastically improve your law practice in the coming year. And despite statistics that suggest resolutions fail more often than not, you can be successful in developing new and improved habits for your legal practice. You can protect your professional resolutions from failure if you plan them right.
By Shari Klevens and Randy Evans
11 minute read
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