Sharon Stern Gerstman President New York State Bar Association

Sharon Stern Gerstman President New York State Bar Association

April 30, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Ensure That All Understand the Importance of an Independent Judiciary

As lawyers, we know how important an independent judiciary is. On this Law Day, let's make sure our fellow citizens understand it, too.

By Sharon Stern Gerstman, President, New York State Bar Association

5 minute read

January 19, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Bar Week Events Underscore Core Values

Sharon Stern Gerstman, President of the New York State Bar Association, writes: Our Annual Meeting theme is Connect, Inspire, Learn. We connect with other lawyers from throughout the state (and the world); we are inspired by the passion and the commitment of the many excellent lawyers who will be receiving awards; and we will learn from experts who provide the smorgasbord of cutting-edge CLE that is NYSBA's signature.

By Sharon Stern Gerstman, President, New York State Bar Association

3 minute read