Stephanie Wilkins

Stephanie Wilkins

Stephanie Wilkins is the Editor-in-Chief of Legaltech News at ALM. She has spent the better part of the past decade following the evolution of legal tech and learning how it can help in-house counsel, law firms and others in the legal industry. As a former practicing litigator, she is particularly interested in how legal tech can and should be used in real-life practice and the valuable differences it can make. Stephanie is also keenly interested in shining a light on the ways legal tech is being used to help the greater good.

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September 22, 2022 | Legaltech News

How Digital Mail Operations Expose Firms to Risk

Document management systems are superior to scan-to-email tools in terms of cybersecurity, governance, ethics and more.

By Michael Herzog, Marketing Director, DocSolid

6 minute read

September 20, 2022 | Legaltech News

Taking the Next Step in Tech for a Competitive Edge and Protected Margins

Leveraging big data will empower law firms to maintain profitability and weather a potential economic downturn.

By Paul Giedraitis, founder and president, Orgaimi

6 minute read

September 19, 2022 | Legaltech News

Nervous System: How Trolls Built Big Tech

A law designed to encourage content moderation now gives tech companies broad legal protections for questionable content.

By David Kalat, BRG

6 minute read