April 08, 2020 | The Legal Intelligencer
Executing Wills and Powers of Attorney During a PandemicI have practiced trust and estate law for over 30 years and like any estate planning attorney in Pennsylvania, I have a long-established routine for…
By Stephen M. Asbel
11 minute read
July 13, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer
Second-Parent Adoptions: An Option for LGBTQ ParentsWhen married straight couples have a child, the legal default is that both the husband and wife are recognized as the legal parent for all purposes. However, that is not always the case when a child is born to a married same-sex couple. In the case of a two-woman couple, the woman who gives birth will be legally recognized as a parent, but that is not necessarily true for her wife.
By Stephen M. Asbel
10 minute read