Stephen T Raptis

Stephen T Raptis

April 03, 2017 | FC&S Insurance

Four Pitfalls to Avoid in a Cyberinsurance Policy

As more and more companies enter the burgeoning cyberinsurance marketplace, they often ask policyholder counsel like me how they can choose the best cyberpolicy…

By Stephen T. Raptis

6 minute read

March 24, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

Four Pitfalls to Avoid in a Cyberinsurance Policy

As more and more companies enter the burgeoning cyberinsurance marketplace, they often ask policyholder counsel like me how they can choose the best cyberpolicy when confronted with so many choices. When the marketplace was still in its infancy just a few years ago, this was a considerably harder question because the policy forms, including the scope of first party and liability coverages being offered by different insurers, varied so drastically.

By Stephen T. Raptis

11 minute read

June 03, 2016 | Corporate Counsel

Just Got Hit With a TCPA Suit? You May Have Insurance Coverage

TCPA class actions could potentially involve millions in liability, and can be enormously expensive to defend. Insurance often is a critical lifeline for companies facing these lawsuits.

By Stephen T. Raptis

7 minute read