Steve Kovalan

Steve Kovalan

Steve is the Director of Research at ALM Legal Intelligence where he writes and presents on matters related to the business of law. His areas of emphasis have previously included law department operations, lateral partner hiring, cybersecurity, and information and knowledge management. Prior to joining ALM Intelligence, he served as a Senior Analyst at both Deltek and Thomson Reuters. Steve holds a Juris Doctor from the West Virginia University College of Law and a Bachelor of Arts in history and political science from West Virginia University. Born and raised in West Virginia and a current resident of Northern Virginia, Steve is a member of the District of Columbia Bar.

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January 17, 2019 |

Data & Analytics: Transforming Law Firms

Read the executive summary of the report by ALM Intelligence and LexisNexis.

By Steve Kovalan

2 minute read

April 04, 2018 |

Calling All Law Department Leaders: What Keeps You Up at Night?

Are you in a leadership role in a corporate legal department? If so, complete ALM Intelligence's brief survey by Friday, June 8, and let us know the issues that are keeping you up at night.

By Steve Kovalan

1 minute read

March 29, 2018 |

UnitedLex-GE Deal: Barbarians at Big Law's Gate (or ... Meh)?

UnitedLex and GE recently announced a huge outsourcing deal. What does it mean for the future of the legal market?

By Steve Kovalan

7 minute read

February 21, 2017 |

Big Law and the Case of the Missing Demand

We have a serious situation on our hands. The 2017 Report on the State of the Legal Market, presented by The Center for the Study of the Legal Profession at Georgetown University Law Center and Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute, has concluded, "The past decade has been a period of stagnation in demand growth for law firm services."

By Steve Kovalan, Senior Analyst

6 minute read

January 18, 2017 |

Client is King

How can law firms adequately develop a value proposition that meets, or better yet, exceeds the expectations of their law department clients? Step one. Ask them.

By Steve Kovalan, Senior Analyst

5 minute read

December 21, 2016 | Legaltech News

Breach of Trust: Can a Harm Precede a Hack?

More than 75% of law firms said they are comfortable with their firms' ability to withstand a breach, but this confidence could be misplaced.

By Steve Kovalan

14 minute read

November 16, 2016 |

RoboLaw: A Q&A With Littler's AI Practice Leader Garry Mathiason

Veteran class action litigator Garry Mathiason recently traded his firm management role for a new challenge, co-chairing the firm's emergent Robotics, AI, and Automation practice group. Mathiason sat down with ALM Director of Intelligence Dirk Olin to discuss the new group as well as the brave new world of the law machine.

By Dirk Olin, ALM Director of Intelligence

9 minute read

November 15, 2016 | Corporate Counsel

Your Clients Just Aren't That Into You

Nearly one-third of senior law department leaders expect their annual operating budget to increase in 2017. You might think this would be cause for celebration among those in Big Law. You would be wrong.

By Steve Kovalan, Senior Legal Analyst

9 minute read

March 09, 2016 | The American Lawyer

By the Numbers: Which Law Firms Get the Most Work from Federal Agencies?

The National Institutes of Health is the biggest client for outside legal services by law firms among U.S. agencies, according to government data.

By Steve Kovalan, ALM Legal Intelligence

1 minute read