Steven B Davis

Steven B Davis

August 04, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

A New Bipartisan Effort to Create Savings in the Individual Health Insurance Market

On July 2, Gov. Tom Wolf signed into law a bipartisan bill creating the Pennsylvania Health Insurance Exchange Authority to operate and maintain a state-based health insurance exchange.

By Steven B. Davis, Kristin J. Jones and Adam J. Petitt

7 minute read

September 05, 2018 | FC&S Insurance

States’ Efforts to Ban Balance Billing Practices Is No ‘Surprise’

Beyond a routine annual check-up and an apple a day in hopes of keeping the doctor away, individuals enrolled in private health benefit plans generally…

By Steven B. Davis and Adam J. Petitt

10 minute read

August 24, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer

States' Efforts to Ban Balance Billing Practices Is No 'Surprise'

Beyond a routine annual check-up and an apple a day in hopes of keeping the doctor away, individuals enrolled in private health benefit plans generally are not keen to see the inside of a hospital or emergency department.

By Steven B. Davis and Adam J. Petitt

10 minute read

April 11, 2018 | Insurance Coverage Law Center

Off to the Races: Will 2018 Be a Sprint for State Regulators to Impose Heightened Duties When Selling Life Insurance and Related Products?

Consistent with the philosophy that “[m]ore regulation is not the best answer to every problem,”[1] the Trump administration has placed…

By Elizabeth A. Kuschel Steven B. Davis William T. Mandia

10 minute read