Steven Meyerowitz

Steven Meyerowitz

February 21, 2019 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Late Notice and Suit Bar Conn. Homeowner's Insurance Claim

A federal district court in Connecticut has rejected a homeowner's lawsuit against her insurer for damage to her home allegedly caused by a winter storm.

By Steven Meyerowitz

4 minute read

November 27, 2018 | Daily Report Online

Lunchtime Accident Isn't Covered by Workers' Comp, Says Split Appeals Court

The Georgia Court of Appeals held that "an injury occurring during the break period arises out of an individual pursuit and not out of his employment and is not compensable.”

By Steven Meyerowitz

7 minute read

January 11, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Manager, Company Plead to Altering Sandy Reports

The former project manager of HiRise Engineering on Long Island and the company admitted their role in altering reports prepared to assess structural damage to residential properties caused by Hurricane Sandy.

By Steven Meyerowitz

4 minute read