January 02, 2019 | New York Law Journal
Prison GerrymanderingIn this Corporate Crime column, Steven Witzel and Amanda Giglio discuss the practice colloquially known as “prison gerrymandering” through which incarcerated people are counted as residents of the towns where they are imprisoned (rather than where they lived before they were incarcerated) for purposes of drawing parameters for legislative districts.
By Steven Witzel and Amanda Giglio
11 minute read
September 04, 2014 | New York Law Journal
Bitcoin and Virtual Currency RegulationIn his Corporate Crime column, Steven Witzel writes: Much has been written on the nature and implications of Bitcoin and other digital currencies, including that they could mark the end of national currencies. The author focuses primarily on recent events in regulatory oversight and law enforcement scrutiny of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies.
By Steven Witzel
23 minute read
May 01, 2014 | New York Law Journal
'Grimm' Outlook for Continuing Conspiracy Prosecutions?In his Corporate Crime column, Steven Witzel, a partner at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, writes: If sustained, the decision in 'United States v. Grimm' may significantly limit the government's ability to prosecute otherwise time-barred actions and provides defendants with new grounds to assert statute of limitations defenses.
By Steven Witzel
12 minute read
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