Stuart M Rissoff

Stuart M Rissoff

February 05, 2021 | New York Law Journal

China Should Be Held Accountable for COVID-19

We are now one year into what is arguably the largest mass tort case in human history.

By Stuart M. Rissoff

2 minute read

December 18, 2020 | New York Law Journal

'Bias' Concerns Cloud Scholarly Discourse

Unconscious bias. Conscious bias. Subconscious bias. A dizzying recitation of every fashionable buzzword. This is now what passes for scholarly writing.

By Stuart M. Rissoff

2 minute read

November 18, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Everyone Is Entitled to Legal Representation

The lawyers presenting election challenges have been subject to every manner of ridicule, harassment and threats.

By Stuart M. Rissoff

2 minute read

April 09, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Assessing COVID-19 Liability on China

We, as attorneys, are in a sacred position to question and challenge. Now more than ever is the time to exercise that role.

By Stuart M. Rissoff

1 minute read

December 10, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Not All White Men

In response to Vivia Chen's article on new class of Paul Weiss partners.

By Stuart M. Rissoff

1 minute read

June 03, 2019 | New York Law Journal

'White Males Need Not Apply'

So much for judging individuals based on the content of their character.

By Stuart M. Rissoff

1 minute read

March 08, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Law Journal Criticized for Running Columns Demonizing White Men

Columnist Vivia Chen demonstrates classic "racism," namely, judging a person on the basis of skin color, as well as gender.

By Stuart M. Rissoff

1 minute read