April 17, 2023 | Law.com
ChatGPT or Me? A Generative AI Primer for Law Firm MarketersChatGPT can provide a new channel for client engagement and interaction, which can help improve the client experience and drive client acquisition. It also has its pros and cons.
By Susan Freeman
11 minute read
October 14, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer
How Lawyers Can Correct the De Facto Segregation MythNeighborhood segregation resulted from racially explicit laws, regulations and government practices that created a system of urban ghettos and white suburbs that still exist today. This is opposite to the widely held de facto segregation myth that "neighborhood sorting" and "white flight" were the result of citizens having free and equal choice where they lived.
By Susan Freeman and Gina Rubel
9 minute read
July 16, 2021 | Law.com
Addressing the Spiral of Silence In Law Firms: Fostering Open CommunicationThe "Spiral of Silence" can mean workers don't feel comfortable sharing their opinion or voicing concerns about how they or others are being treated. This allows mistreatment and biases to go unchecked at an individual level and can also result in a secondary spiral in which workers feel they are not able to fully express their personal identity in the workplace.
By Susan Freeman and Heidi Turner
11 minute read
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