January 09, 2020 | Litigation Daily
In 2020, Securities Class Action Filings Likely to Continue Record PaceEven though more Securities Act suits are being filed in state courts, there are few signs that the federal courts will be any less active.
By Jay B. Kasner, Scott D. Musoff, and Susan L. Saltzstein
9 minute read
February 28, 2019 | New York Law Journal
#MeToo Litigation: The Changing LandscapeIn light of the current focus on #MeToo issues across a wide range of industries, the rise in related litigation should come as no surprise. Notably, plaintiffs increasingly appear to be targeting an expanded group of defendants, including public companies, senior management and corporate boards in connection with #MeToo-related litigation.
By Susan L. Saltzstein and Jocelyn E. Strauber
10 minute read
April 27, 2009 | National Law Journal
Recent DevelopmentsIn 2008, litigators and courts witnessed a dramatic resurgence in securities litigation filings. As problems in the credit markets spilled over into the broader economy, plaintiffs made their way to court with a frequency not seen since 2002. This increase in activity presented courts with an opportunity to reshape securities law jurisprudence in several different areas. Recent developments in class certification and removal under CAFA could influence how securities cases are litigated in 2009 and beyond.
By Jay B. Kasner and Susan L. Saltzstein
8 minute read
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