Thomas J Maroney

Thomas J Maroney

January 24, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Proximate Cause: Plaintiff's Employer and Its Post-'Burlington' Role in the Duty To Defend Analysis

In this article, Laura B. Dowgin and Thomas J. Maroney discuss the 'Burlington Insurance v. NYC Transit Authority' case and how case law regarding the duty to defend has been affected since the decision.

By Laura B. Dowgin and Thomas J. Maroney

8 minute read

May 22, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Anti-Subrogation Rule When Pursuing Workers' Comp 1B Coverage in Construction Accidents

When determining which insurer will fund a settlement or verdict in a construction related incident involving a "grave injury" governed by the New York Labor Law, commercial general liability (CGL) insurers must confront the rule of anti-subrogation before Workers' Compensation 1B unlimited coverage can be triggered. This is a fertile ground for disputes in "grave injury" defense litigation.

By Thomas J. Maroney and Hilary F. Simon

10 minute read

January 23, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Continuing 'Strength by Association'

Thomas J. Maroney, Chair of the Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law Section, writes that the section includes attorneys that represent claimants, plaintiffs, petitioners, defendants and respondents in every possible civil forum. As diverse as we are in our practice, the TICL Section is united in its relentless pursuit of fair and reasonable civil justice for all.

By Thomas J. Maroney

3 minute read

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