Timothy P Harkness David Y Livshiz

Timothy P Harkness David Y Livshiz

December 03, 2019 | New York Law Journal

'ALJ v. FedEx': What Comes Next for §1782?

While the 'ALJ v. FedEx' decision has prompted concern in some corners that U.S.-style discovery will corrupt private international arbitration, the reality is much more nuanced.

By Timothy P. Harkness, David Y. Livshiz and Paige von Mehren

11 minute read

August 10, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Limiting the 'Effects' Test for Personal Jurisdiction: 'Walden'

Timothy P. Harkness, David Y. Livshiz and Shannon M. Leitner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer write: Two decisions issued by the Supreme Court concerning general jurisdiction, 'Goodyear' and 'Daimler', have received the majority of attention, but it is a third decision, 'Walden v. Fiore', which sharply limits the ability of U.S. courts to exercise specific jurisdiction, that may prove to have the most impact.

By Timothy P. Harkness, David Y. Livshiz and Shannon M. Leitner

10 minute read

August 08, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Limiting the 'Effects' Test for Personal Jurisdiction: 'Walden'

Timothy P. Harkness, David Y. Livshiz and Shannon M. Leitner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer write: Two decisions issued by the Supreme Court concerning general jurisdiction, 'Goodyear' and 'Daimler', have received the majority of attention, but it is a third decision, 'Walden v. Fiore', which sharply limits the ability of U.S. courts to exercise specific jurisdiction, that may prove to have the most impact.

By Timothy P. Harkness, David Y. Livshiz and Shannon M. Leitner

10 minute read