November 17, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Texas Judges Refuse to Let Pandemic Hamper Justice SystemThe Eastern and Western districts have successfully moved their dockets forward, have resumed nearly a typical trial schedule, and are serving as examples of the strength of our civil jury system.
By Danielle Williams and Tom Melsheimer
5 minute read
February 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Observations on the Waco Division's Growing ProminenceSince U.S. District Judge Alan Albright took the bench, patent holders have flocked to file their cases in the Waco Division of the Western District of Texas.
By Danielle Williams and Tom Melsheimer
6 minute read
August 23, 2004 |
The Best Way to Stop the Best-Of MadnessThe legal profession is long accustomed to perusing "best of" lists -- best attorneys, best firms, "Super Lawyers," and so on. But what purpose do such lists actually serve? One such "Super Lawyer" says "best of" lists have little to do with actually being "the best" and instead are determined by popularity and money (essentially excluding solos and small firms). Legitimate "best of" lists, he says, can and should generate meaningful debate about what it means to be a good lawyer.
By Tom Melsheimer
6 minute read
April 12, 2004 | Texas Lawyer
Surviving the SpotlightThese days, it's tough to be a high-profile corporate executive, especially when you're a white-collar criminal defendant.
By Tom Melsheimer
6 minute read
March 15, 2004 |
Fame, Fortune and Federal PrisonIt's tough to be a celebrity. It's especially tough when you are a high-profile white-collar criminal defendant. Just ask Martha Stewart.
By Tom Melsheimer
5 minute read
August 23, 2004 | Texas Lawyer
The Best Way to Stop the Best-Of MadnessBest-of lists have little to do with actually being "the best" and, instead, have everything to do with money.
By Tom Melsheimer
6 minute read
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