Vincent Syracuse Paul Sarkozi George Du Pont Matthew Sinkman

Vincent Syracuse Paul Sarkozi George Du Pont Matthew Sinkman

January 29, 2013 | Inside Counsel

E-discovery: Managing the duty to preserve voicemail

Litigants increasingly seek discovery of voicemail. In a matter in which there is a duty to preserve electronically stored information, there may also be a duty to preserve voicemail messages.

By Vincent Syracuse, Paul Sarkozi, George du Pont, Matthew Sinkman

9 minute read

January 01, 2013 | Inside Counsel

E-discovery: New Sedona Conference developments continue to alter the e-discovery landscape

Satisfying a partys e-discovery obligations is a complex and expensive task.

By Vincent Syracuse, Paul Sarkozi, George du Pont, Matthew Sinkman

3 minute read

December 18, 2012 | Inside Counsel

E-discovery: Effects of automated technologies on electronic document preservation and review obligations

New automated technologies offer an alluring hope that the expensive and complicated duty to preserve and review electronically stored information (ESI) will be mitigated.

By Vincent Syracuse, Paul Sarkozi, George du Pont, Matthew Sinkman

4 minute read