February 09, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer
Should Pa. Amend Its Constitution to Elect Appellate Judges by Region?On Jan. 13, the judiciary committee of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted 13-12 to send to the House floor H.B. 38, a bill that proposes a constitutional amendment to replace statewide elections of appellate court judges with a system of electing appellate judges by geographic districts.
By Virginia Hinrichs McMichael
12 minute read
July 12, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer
Appellate Tips for Pennsylvania Family LawyersYou may be wondering why, as a family lawyer, you need appellate advice. After all, most of your cases settle. Of the cases that do go to trial, only a few of them are appealed to the Superior Court. So why worry about an appeal? Because you are likely to have an appeal to deal with sometime soon.
By Virginia Hinrichs McMichael
20 minute read
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