December 01, 2017 | Texas Lawyer
A Slap at Employment Law? A Look at the Impact of Texas Citizens Participation Act in 2017In the last year, Texas courts have pursued an expansive view of the Texas Citizens Participation Act (TCPA), a law that, generally speaking, is designed to protect the free expression rights of ordinary citizens.
By W. Gary Fowler
5 minute read
November 30, 2016 | Texas Lawyer
President Donald Trump and the Enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities ActDonald Trump's most memorable moment on the campaign trail regarding people with disabilities occurred when he appeared to mimic the physical appearance and distinctive movements of a reporter with a disability. In a report on Aug. 11, 2016, NBC News called it Trump's "worst offense" during the campaign, and during the Democratic convention Time magazine quoted Iowa Senator Tom Harkin to say, "Never has the issue of disability rights and inclusion been this prominent in an election." Trump denied that he had any intention to mock the reporter.
By W. Gary Fowler
10 minute read
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