April 05, 2022 | New York Law Journal
The 'COVID Defenses': An Appellate UpdateIn their June, 2021 Landlord-Tenant column, Warren Estis and Alexander Lycoyannis predicted that as "New York proceeds slowly but surely toward a semblance of pre-pandemic normalcy…the era of COVID-related defenses to commercial rent nonpayment may soon become a thing of the past." In this column, they discuss two recent rulings from the Appellate Division, First Department which bear directly on the issue.
By Warren Estis and Alexander Lycoyannis
6 minute read
March 05, 2019 | New York Law Journal
Evicting Corporate TenantsOver the years, a rule has evolved as to when a corporate tenant can be evicted based on non-primary residence. In their Rent Regulation column, Warren Estis and Jeffrey Turkel examine the rule, as well as more recent corporate tenancy case law.
By Warren Estis and Jeffrey Turkel
7 minute read
November 06, 2018 | New York Law Journal
First Department Splits on Four-Year RuleIn their Rent Stabilization column, Warren Estis and Jeffrey Turkel discuss the recently issued decisions by the Appellate Division, First Department: 'Regina Metropolitan v. DHCR' and 'Raden v. W 7879,' which alter the method for determining the base date rent where there has been no fraudulent scheme to destabilize an apartment.
By Warren Estis and Jeffrey Turkel
8 minute read
October 03, 2017 | New York Law Journal
Acceptance of Rent After Lease Termination: Does It Reinstate the Tenancy? It DependsIn their Landlord-Tenant Law column, Warren Estis and Michael Feinstein discuss the Second Department Appellate Term's decision in 'Scarborough Manor Owners Corp. v. Robson' and find the decision makes clear that the landlord's acceptance of rent for a period after the termination of the lease and prior to the commencement of a summary proceeding will not in all instances result in the reinstatement of the tenancy.
By Warren Estis and Michael Feinstein
6 minute read
July 03, 2017 | New York Law Journal
Luxury Deregulation: Excuses, ExcusesIn their Rent Regulation column, Warren Estis and Jeffrey Turkel highlight several DHCR orders to show how although the division will frequently forgive tenants in luxury default proceedings, its capacity for such forgiveness is not unlimited.
By Warren Estis and Jeffrey Turkel
16 minute read
May 02, 2017 | New York Law Journal
Landlords Win in Two First Department CasesIn their Rent Regulstion column, Warren Estis and Jeffrey Turkel discuss two recent decisions, "Matter of Park v. NYSDHCR," and "Dixon v. 105 West 75th Street," where the Appellate Division, First Department held, over rigorous tenant objections, that the apartments in question were exempt from rent stabilization.
By Warren Estis and Jeffrey Turkel
13 minute read
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