Wendy Leibowitz

Wendy Leibowitz

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February 18, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Sterling Miller: From In-House to Outside Counsel, More Than 10 Things You Need to Know

Sterling Miller, three times general counsel who now serves as outside counsel, talks frankly about the need to market the in-house department to show its value, and covers the cultural and professional differences between in-house and outside lawyers that can create roadblocks on the path to a smooth, profitable relationship.

By Wendy Leibowitz

11 minute read

April 12, 1999 |

Lawyers and Technology: Courts in Tech Trenches

High-tech trials are no longer a novelty, but litigation technology is still far from tried and true. From electronic filing to courtroom presentation issues, the tech decisions can be as contentious as any legal issue in the proceeding.

By Wendy Leibowitz

4 minute read