Willem Klein

Willem Klein

November 23, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer

Virtual Patent Marking in an NFT World

Patent marking is an important step in the patent lifecycle. Setting aside inventions covered by method claims, patent marking is generally required to seek past damages from infringers; however, complex patenting portfolios make marking all patented products an intense act of bookkeeping.

By Willem Klein

8 minute read

May 05, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

Innovating in Crisis Is a Safe Escape for Companies Looking To Survive

What assets and strategies should be prioritized to put companies in the best position to survive the ongoing COVID-19 virus, as well as to thrive when the quarantines pass?

By Willem Klein

6 minute read

April 10, 2020 | The Legal Intelligencer

Innovating in Crisis Is a Safe Escape for Companies Looking to Survive

What assets and strategies should be prioritized to put companies in the best position to survive the ongoing COVID-19 virus, as well as to thrive when the quarantines pass?

By Willem Klein

6 minute read

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