William J Beneduce

William J Beneduce

March 12, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

The Pragmatic NJDEP?

OP-ED: Proposed site remediation regulations, published by NJDEP on July 17, 2017, appear to veer slightly away from the one-size-fits-all approach to site remediation.

By William J. Beneduce

5 minute read

February 06, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

The Evolution of NJDEP Regulation and the No Further Action Letter

Since 2012, NJDEP regulation of site remediation has evolved and arguably has expanded.

By William J. Beneduce

12 minute read

May 08, 2013 | New Jersey Law Journal

Due Diligence Is More Difficult Under N.J. Site Remediation and Reform Act

Prior to the Site Remediation Reform Act (May 7, 2012), the ability to conduct OPRA reviews of NJDEP files meant that private parties had access to all environmental information pertaining to a site which was then available, thereby making the due diligence process relatively seamless and straightforward. Under the new system, this is no longer the case.

By William J. Beneduce and Marty M. Judge

9 minute read

July 26, 2012 | New Jersey Law Journal

Financial Impact of Remedial Action Permits

Cleaning up properties that contain "historic fill," after the Site Remediation Reform Act.

By William J. Beneduce

7 minute read

March 10, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

Brownfields Redevelopment: Boom or Bust in New Jersey?

If developers cannot profit from redevelopment, brownfield sites will continue to drain the local economy.

By William J. Beneduce

9 minute read