William J Simmons

William J Simmons

November 17, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

Background Check Alphabet Soup Creates Nightmares

A Philadelphia employer conducting background screening may soon have to navigate no less than six federal, state and local laws. Other jurisdictions also have background-check related laws, creating an even larger headache for multistate employers.

By William J. Simmons

8 minute read

December 05, 2007 | Law.com

What Personal Injury Remedies Are Available to Undocumented Workers?

Since the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board, litigants have battled over the extent to which undocumented workers are entitled to remedies under tort, labor and employment laws. Attorney William J. Simmons describes how courts have seemingly divided into two general analytical camps in addressing the issue, each deriving support from the language of Hoffman.

By William J. Simmons

8 minute read

October 15, 2008 | New Jersey Law Journal

Facing the Factors : Handling ERISA benefits cases after Glenn

The impact of Glenn case on future ERISA benefits cases remains unclear.

By Edward T. Groh and William J. Simmons

9 minute read

April 12, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

She Complained, but I'll Sue

Third-party retaliation claims under the Civil Rights Acts, and the scope of a recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court

By Barbara R. Rigo and William J. Simmons

9 minute read

November 30, 2007 | New Jersey Law Journal

Remedies for Undocumented Workers

Since the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Hoffman Plastic, litigants have battled over the extent to which undocumented workers are entitled to remedies under tort, labor, and employment laws when they nevertheless obtain employment.

By William J. Simmons

9 minute read