November 17, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Texas Judges Refuse to Let Pandemic Hamper Justice SystemThe Eastern and Western districts have successfully moved their dockets forward, have resumed nearly a typical trial schedule, and are serving as examples of the strength of our civil jury system.
By Danielle Williams and Tom Melsheimer
5 minute read
October 27, 2021 | Daily Report Online
When it Comes to the Atlanta Braves and MLB, Play Ball, Not PoliticsThis week the Atlanta Braves are playing the Houston Astros in the World Series, baseball's crown jewel.
By Bret Williams
4 minute read
October 01, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer
Yes, Data and Metrics Can Improve Your Diversity & Inclusion OutcomeOften, in my role as national diversity and inclusion partner of DLA Piper, I was asked if DLA uses data and metrics to support our diversity and inclusion goals. The short answer is yes. We use data and metrics because we believe they are important to helping us retain talented lawyers and business professionals.
By Raymond Williams
6 minute read
September 01, 2021 | Daily Report Online
When It Comes to Using COVID-19 as a Weapon, Who Spat On Me?What should we do if such behavior occurs in Georgia? One option would be to amend the Georgia Code to define SARS-CoV-2 as a destructive device under Section 16-7-80 (e.g., a weapon of mass destruction).
By Bret R. Williams
4 minute read
July 02, 2021 | International Edition
The Associate Pay Wars: A Question of Market Forces vs MoralityFormer Clifford Chance managing partner Tony Williams argues that hikes in junior lawyer salaries is exacerbating mental health issues within law firms.
By Tony Williams, Jomati
5 minute read
May 13, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer
Diversity-Related Shareholder Suits: What They Mean for ESGLast summer, following a wave of protests and advocacy for social justice, hundreds of corporations released statements expressing their unwavering commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
By M. Norman Goldberger and Kahlil C. Williams
7 minute read
March 22, 2021 | Daily Report Online
Former Prosecutor: Was Accused Spa Shooter Killing Temptation or Asian Women?Justice is better served by assessing all the facts and circumstances to determine whether the gunman's actions were alloyed with racial hatred and gender animus. We must allow the evidence, not his words, to lead our way.
By Bret Williams
4 minute read
March 12, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Litigation Finance Can Help Fund Texas Winter Storm LawsuitsLitigation funders can provide capital for the attorney fees and costs needed to pursue a lawsuit, in exchange for a pre-negotiated return paid from case proceeds, say Laina Hammond and Sarah Williams of Validity Finance.
By Laina Hammond and Sarah Williams
5 minute read
February 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Important Considerations for Employees Regarding COVID-19 VaccinesEmployers must certainly be mindful as to potential claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, or religious discrimination claims under Title VII when it comes to requiring a COVID-19 vaccination, say Pamela Williams and Lariza Hebert, attorneys at Fisher Phillips' Houston office.
By Pamela Williams and Lariza Hebert
8 minute read
February 09, 2021 | Texas Lawyer
Observations on the Waco Division's Growing ProminenceSince U.S. District Judge Alan Albright took the bench, patent holders have flocked to file their cases in the Waco Division of the Western District of Texas.
By Danielle Williams and Tom Melsheimer
6 minute read