• Barnes-Wallace v. City of San Diego

    Publication Date: 2012-12-20
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-12-20
    Court: 9th Cir.
    Judge: Napoleon A. Jones, Jr., District Judge, Presiding Before: William C. Canby, Jr., Andrew J. Kleinfeld, and Marsha S. Berzon, Circuit Judges.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Mark W. Danis, Morrison & Foerster, LLP, San Francisco, California; M. Andrew Woodmansee, Morrison & Foerster, LLP, San Diego, California, for Plaintiffs-Appellants–Cross-Appellees.
    for defendant: Scott H. Christensen, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, LLP, Washington, D.C.; George A. Davidson and Carla A. Kerr, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, LLP, New York, New York, for Defendants-Appellees–Cross-Appellants. Sheldon T. Bradshaw, David K. Flynn, Eric W. Treene and Angela Miller, United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Washington, D.C., for Amicus Curiae United States. Paul Rosenzweig, Washington, D.C., for Amicus Curiae American Legion. Matthew F. Stowe, Office of the Attorney General, Austin, Texas, for Amici Curiae States of Texas, Alabama, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Virginia. Anthony R. Picarello, Jr., Derek L. Gaubatz and Roger T. Severino, Washington, D.C., for Amicus Curiae The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. John C. Eastman, Orange, California, for Amicus Curiae Claremont Institute Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence. Peter Ferrara, McLean, Virginia, for Amicus Curiae American Civil Rights Union. Eric Alan Isaacson, Michelle M. Ciccarelli and Alreen Haeggquist, San Diego, California; Rev. Silvio Nardoni, Glendale, California; Susan Kay Weaver, El Cajon, California, for Amici Curiae Social Justice Committee and Board of Trustees of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego; its Ministers, the Rev. Arvid Straube and the Rev. Julie Kain; its Director of Religious Education, Elizabeth Motander Jones; the Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry California; the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations. Angela Sierra, Office of the Attorney General for the State of California, for Amicus Curiae State of California. Ayesha N. Khan and Alex J. Luchenitser, Washington, D.C., for Amicus Curiae Americans United for Separation of Church and State. John H. Findley and Harold E. Johnson, Pacific Legal Foundation, Sacramento, California, for Amici Curiae Pacific Legal Foundation and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Robert J. Muise and Julie Schotzbarger, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for Amicus Curiae Thomas More Law Center. Paul A. Hoffman, Santa Ana, California, for Amicus Curiae Individual Rights Foundation.

    Case Number: No. 04-55732 No. 04-56167