Publication Date: 2000-05-12
Practice Area:
Date Filed: 2000-05-03
Court: Del. Sup. Ct.
Judge: VEASEY, Chief Justice, WALSH, HOLLAND, and HARTNETT, Justices and CHANDLER, Chancellor
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Mason E. Turner, Jr., Robert C. Bernius, Esquire, James S. Green
for defendant: Charles S. Crompton, Jr., Gail Johnston, Ralph Huber, Richard N. Winfield, Margaret Blair Soyster, David Kohler, Stuart Karle, Carol D. Melamed, George Freeman, Katherine Hatton, Robin Bierstedt, and Mary Ann Werner
Case Number: No. 352, 1998
The full case caption appears at the end of this opinion.This is an appeal from a Superior Court judgment in a libel actionfollowing a jury verdict assessing damages