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Alaska CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Alaska

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61 minutes
Creating Win-Win Outside Counsel Relationships
While outside legal spend remains a top concern for most GCs, one thing remains clear the relationship between in-house and outside Outside counsel - how to actually listen to your inside counsel and help you figure out what clients want and how to deliver (and visa versa for in house - both sides) Getting the most out of that relationship Ruthlessly managing outside counsel budgets - how to propose alt fee arrangements - setting expectations properly, how to review bills - open conversations developing relationships with outside counsel without feeling like everything will be a bill - a chilling effect Meaningful ways of developing relationships Balance How to help them create the comfort level, relationships aren't billed for Controlling costs How to teach outside counsel how to give advice to in house - saves money, trust them, benefits - gap of outside counsel to be trained to do that so there's less back and forth Interactions with outside counsel/managing relationships

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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59 minutes
Guiding Your Organization Through Corporate Investigations
When your organization goes through an internal investigation, this is the moment of truth for your legal and compliance program and where the work really happens. It is critical that, as soon as allegations come to light, the company decides decisions are made about whether to investigate, who should direct and conduct the investigation, the goals and scope of an investigation, and whether a report will be issued, and how to best prepare the company for a potential investigation by a government agency. This session will set forth a framework of best practices and key considerations for effective internal investigations, including the need for disclosure to and coordination with auditors, regulators, and others.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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63 minutes
Speaking Your CFO's Language
As the role of legal in the C Suite continues to evolve, GC's have found themselves in uncharted territories. From understanding financial jargon in legal documents, to being able to interpret financial speak in the boardroom, the roles of CFO & GC have become increasingly intertwined. Join our panel of business law experts as they discuss key insights and answer your burning questions on all things business, finance, and law at the executive level.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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62 minutes
Avoiding Compliance Fatigue & Managing Through Regulatory Changes
Every business has its own set of unique regulatory challenges, making compliance difficult to implement and sustain for each individual business. Having an effective compliance program is not only a legal obligation for businesses, but it is also absolutely essential for risk mitigation. This session will delve into how to effectively prepare for regulatory and policy changes, and will also cover how to avoid compliance fatigue. Leave with an understanding of how to build a robust compliance program, from standards, policies, and procedures, to investigations and remedial measures that are tailored to your specific organization.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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60 minutes
The Role of Legal Leaders in International Business Relations
As business continues to evolve into a more globalized workforce, GCs are being tasked with setting up international offices, aligning resources and coverage, and deciding where to build out legal teams. Understanding cross borders Communications and cultural differences have become business essential, not just to get deals done, but also to maintain strong cross-border partnerships. Join our panelists as they discuss the role of legal in international relations, and share their expertise and lived experiences with all international business dealings.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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61 minutes
Hiring & Retaining In-House Talent: Adapting to the Evolving Needs of Your Workforce
The talent culture in the legal industry continues to change drastically, with a new generation of employees that have different priorities than historically seen. This session will focus on gaining a better understanding of the reasons people may be leaving the legal profession, what's missing for this new generation of legal leaders and how to guide the professional trajectory for each individual on your team. Join this session as our experts consider the current trends affecting talent in the legal industry, explore strategies to ensure your organization is appealing to potential candidates, and offer solutions to help successfully retain talent in this modern work environment.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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60 minutes
Protecting the Business: Global Supply Chain Management Issues & Sanctions
A few years past the height of the global pandemic, the world continues to grapple with global supply chain issues. We will discuss how the current geopolitical landscape contributes to this along with the legal issues and challenges that arise when the global supply chain is disrupted and how you can effectively manage risk. Speakers will also provide a comprehensive overview of sanctions in a volatile global landscape.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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61 minutes
The Fintech Fallout: Preparing for Regulatory Risks and Safeguarding Your Organization
Consumers want more services and solutions from their financial providers and FinTech will continue to be a driving force in 2023-2024 with AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, embedded finance, SaaS and Open Banking taking center stage. How can you help your company prepare for the risks associated with the technological innovations driving FinTech? -Show me the money" The impact of SVB on FinTech providers (and banks?) - Getting comfortable with the unknown" How to manage an unknown regulatory landscape - Future of FinTech

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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63 minutes
When the Government Comes Knocking: How to Engage with Regulators
In an increasingly aggressive regulatory environment, making sure you are up to date on enforcement trends can be pivotal to minimizing regulatory risk. Join this session and hear from our speakers who will share key insights into enforcement trends across agencies, as well as concrete takeaways on how to build a solid foundation with regulators that will safeguard your organization against regulatory risk.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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