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Alaska CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Alaska

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59 minutes
Risk Management Fundamentals: Building an Enterprise Risk Management Framework
Just starting out on your risk management journey? This session is for you! Our expert speakers will take you through the fundamentals, starting with what sort of assessment you should be conducting within your organization to determine what your framework will look like. They will then tackle all the facets of building out a framework, from the Intersectionality between legal, compliance and audit: What should the relationship be? What protocols and procedures are in place? How do the groups interact to be safe and effective? Through implementation and organizational adoption.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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73 minutes
Beyond Your Average Training Program: Building a Curriculum that Serves Your Legal Team
Legal leaders from diverse business sectors will discuss their training curriculum strategy. This session will also include an overview of the elements of an effective training program, including management commitment; assessments and audits; and recordkeeping.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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61 minutes
Addressing Consumer Class-Action & Mass Arbitration Challenges
Consumer class-action lawsuits pose significant challenges for businesses across various industries. As legal and regulatory landscapes continue to evolve, understanding how to effectively address and navigate these challenges becomes crucial for organizations to protect their reputation, minimize financial risks, and maintain a positive relationship with their customers. Join us in this informative session as expert panelists provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies to effectively address consumer class-action and mass arbitration challenges, and explore ways to proactively manage and mitigate potential legal threats.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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57 minutes
How Many Fires are Too Many Fires? Future Proofing Your Organization to Avoid Crisis after Crisis
As a present-day legal leader, it may feel like you are facing one crisis after another and while you have become adept at handling these situations, it's important for GCs to take a proactive approach to prevent future crisis rather than believing their value lies in the quality of their response to the crisis. This panel will focus on strategies leaders should implement to help their teams get ahead of a crisis, minimize its impact and avoid it as much as possible overall. While you can't always predict what's coming around the corner for your organization, you will walk away from this session with tools that help leaders shift to rewarding efforts in preparing for and minimizing future crises.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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59 minutes
Building Your IP Litigation Tool Box
In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, protecting a company’s intellectual property is critical to the success of the business and the responsibility lies with in-house counsel to ensure that the company takes the right steps to protect and create these assets. As disputes and litigation surrounding IP rights are becoming increasingly common, failing to have the right agreements, policies, training, and plans in place can be detrimental to an organization. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do as General Counsel to help the company protect its intellectual property. In this dynamic session, our expert panelists will explore how to successfully navigate this complex terrain and the essential components of building a robust and versatile toolkit that equips your legal department with the knowledge and strategies necessary for effective IP litigation.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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59 minutes
Green Washing & Environmental Law Impacts on Businesses
As ESG pressures continue to intensify, GC's have become more likely to shoulder the responsibility of how to correctly measure, report, and decide what's appropriate for individual company goals. With these increased pressures from stakeholders, and regulators, comes the increased risk of falling into a greenwashing trap. This session will provide an overview of the impacts of environmental law on your overall business strategy, and how to identify and avoid greenwashing pitfalls, and other possible ESG risks.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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58 minutes
Navigating the Data Privacy Regulatory Minefield
Join this session as our privacy experts review existing privacy laws, and share their insights into navigating the upcoming risks and changes expected in the privacy space.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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60 minutes
Reputational Risk & Creating A Purposeful Corporate Culture: What Does Your Organization Stand For?
Taking the right stance in today's society is a challenge for organizations, especially given the current political and social environment. In this session, learn how to navigate taking a stance on important societal issues and understand which policies and procedures should be implemented in order to act as an ethically sound organization. To avoid any reputational damage, it is pertinent for GCs to take the right approach and not waiver on any ethical issues.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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60 minutes
Litigation & Matter Management: Using AI, Analytics and Legal Ops Ideas to Drive Better Outcomes
For many in-house litigators, managing spend can prove to be the most challenging aspect of litigating a case. However, leveraging your legal ops teams and capabilities, such as collaboration with outside counsel, data mining, collecting metrics, providing predictability of case outcome, and managing legal bills, legal ops can be one of the most effective tools in controlling spend and providing unmatched value to senior leadership. This session will uncover the hidden value of the unique partnership between litigation and legal ops.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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