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Online CLE Course Catalog

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63 minutes
Litigation Management: Managing Your Outside Resources and Costs
One of the greatest challenges for today’s litigators is running disputes as timely and efficiently as possible. Speakers in this session will pinpoint exactly which resources are needed, how much time and effort is required, and how to manage costs when dealing with outside vendors.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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62 minutes
The Legality of Facial Recognition & Implications in Racial Bias
Facial recognition is used by law enforcement surveillance, airport passenger screening, and employment and housing decisions. Despite widespread adoption, face recognition was recently banned for use by police and local agencies in several cities, including large cities after whistleblowers uncovered inherent bias within these algorithms. Our experts in this fascinating session will discuss the implications of this embedded bias, how they uncovered it, and the ethics behind the use of this technology.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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62 minutes
Handling the Next Generation of Cyber Threats & Tactics
By the end of 2021, the world will be significantly digitized and connected. So, how do you arm your company with the necessary security to survive a new wave of cyber attacks unlike any we have seen in the past? Panelists in this session will examine all aspects of cyber threats from detection, and mitigation strategies, to the importance of staff training and education.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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63 minutes
Emerging Trends in the Cyber Regulatory Landscape
This past year has seen more changes in the cyber regulatory landscape than ever before. Education in these regulations remains crucial moving forward, as state-by-state legislation continues to roll out and the prospect of federal legislation appears imminent. Join us we investigate updates in FISMA, PCI-DSS, GDPR, NIST and more!

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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59 minutes
Civil Competency 101
Join Dr. Brian Russell as he dives into the competencies expected of your clients in civil matters; mainly making contracts, making healthcare decisions and making a will. He uses his knowledge and experience, both as an attorney and a licensed psychologist, to provide a deeper understanding of how to help your client and avoid pitfalls.

Dr. Brian Russell


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59 minutes
Legal Lessons Learned from Advising High Net-Worth Families
In this program, Dr. Brian Russell, a licensed psychologist and attorney, will provide insights garnered from his experience advising high net-worth families using his legal and psychological aspects to provide a fuller view of the dynamics involved in working with these families.

Dr. Brian Russell


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61 minutes
The Litigation Outlook
As the courts reopen and in-house counsel reevaluate their caseloads, we will take a look at what legal departments have been experiencing on the litigation front in terms of “old” as well as newly-brought cases.

General Counsel Conference


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55 minutes
Strategies for Determining the Right Time to Pursue Arbitration vs. Litigation
During this discussion, a panel of experts will share their views on the difficult decisions that in-house, especially general counsel, face as they weigh the cons and pros of whether and when a dispute is better suited for public litigation or private arbitration. Additionally, they will provide tips on what factors, in their experience, tend to sway the decision-making process one way or another.

General Counsel Conference


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58 minutes
Analyzing the Latest Developments in Government Investigations and Enforcement
The SEC’s action of re-instituting the delegation of investigative enforcement authorities signals the potential for an uptick in both investigations and enforcement actions.

General Counsel Conference


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