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Arbitration CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Arbitration

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60 minutes
How General Counsel Are Working With Their Boards to Bring Value to the Business
***This is a non-CLE seminar*** To better understand the shifting nature of these responsibilities, Corporate Counsel has conducted an exclusive survey with senior in-house counsels and legal leaders to gauge how their relationship with the board has changed over the last year. Our research also asked what role these senior in-house counsels now play in driving business results within their organization as well as how compliance, data privacy, cybersecurity and other issues now play into the decision-making process.

Available with Unlimited Subscription Only. Learn More

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55 minutes
Strategies for Determining the Right Time to Pursue Arbitration vs. Litigation
During this discussion, a panel of experts will share their views on the difficult decisions that in-house, especially general counsel, face as they weigh the cons and pros of whether and when a dispute is better suited for public litigation or private arbitration. Additionally, they will provide tips on what factors, in their experience, tend to sway the decision-making process one way or another.

General Counsel Conference


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