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Diversity And Inclusion CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Diversity And Inclusion

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59 minutes
There's More Work to Be Done: Cultivating & Fostering Diversity at Every Level
While the focus on diversity has increased in recent years, there is still a lot more work that needs to be done to ensure it's introduced at every level. In this session, our panelists are going to consider the barriers and challenges that arise when trying to introduce diversity at every level, share key experiences of their own, and analyze effective approaches to overcome help overcome them.

General Counsel Conference


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63 minutes
Managing Generations Y and Z: Motivating, Recruiting and Retaining Tomorrow's Workforce
As Gen Z and Gen Y take center stage in the workforce, organizations must adapt their strategies to effectively motivate, recruit, and retain these dynamic generations. Collaboration and consistent development are top of mind for many Gen Z but what else does your organization need to know to be better prepared for this new generation of talent? Join our panelists as they share the necessary tools and insights required to build a dynamic workplace that is both motivating to existing Gen Z employees but also enticing to the new wave of Gen Y talent.

General Counsel Conference


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118 minutes
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Legal World: Key Strategies to Address Equity Challenges
Listen as a panel of distinguished professionals provide the audience with a comprehensive discussion of the recent trends and developments surrounding DEI practices in the legal industry. Speakers, among other things, will offer practical strategies to address the challenges and issues in promoting equity in the legal profession.

The Knowledge Group


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60 minutes
Elimination of Bias Double Play: Advancing Diversity and Understanding Implicit Bias
This program identifies the most common ways implicit bias can affect the hiring, advancement and performance of lawyers, and provides practical guidance on what steps you can take to "de-bias" your company.

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
What the Mississippi Delta Teaches About Bias in the Legal Profession
The area between the Mississippi and Yazoo Rivers is unlike any other place on earth. The history of the place is unique and so are the politics. In this one-of-a-kind program, Stuart Teicher, Esq. (the CLE Performer) traveled to the Delta and recorded a program about diversity and bias.

Stuart Teicher


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76 minutes
Am Law 100: Trends, Insights & How Firms Plan to Move Past the Pandemic
Law firms have ridden the uncertainty of the past two years to unprecedented success. The experiences weren’t universal, however, and market dynamics are starting to shift. In this seminar, we will explore how different segments of the market performed and which firms are best positioned to weather any upcoming changes to market dynamics.

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65 minutes
Accelerating the Funding for Diverse Legal Technology Startups
In this sobering session, our panel of experts will take a closer look at how the investment and legal communities could collaboratively more effectively in raising awareness on this issue and effecting real change.



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61 minutes
The Rise of Document Automation and Digital Contracts -- NON CLE
-- Non-CLE Program -- Perhaps the hottest trend in legal tech at the moment involves contract automation and digital contracts. The partnership between legal expertise and artificial intelligence creates new opportunities for efficiency, accuracy, data analytics, and management of complex agreements. With this blending of technology and legal services, there will be ample opportunities for success for attorneys and knowledge professionals who understand how to adapt and specialize in these new professionals roles.


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61 minutes
Knowledge Management, Legal Technology and the Art of Efficiency -- NON-CLE
-- NON-CLE Program -- Knowledge management initiatives have proven to be a game-changer within firms and corporations over the years and legal technology has only enhanced this. Given the unique position of knowledge management professionals in their organizations, they are ideally positioned to evaluate legal technology solutions and steer their adoption in practice groups and legal departments. This session will offer insights from KM professionals on the way to a more efficient legal organization.


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