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In-House Counsel CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For In-House Counsel

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60 minutes
Managing Human Risk with M365 Tools & Business Partners
So you implemented Microsoft 365, but have questions around how to leverage the tools to better identify risky behavior in your organization and how to work with your counterparts in IT, Info Sec, Privacy and Legal to realize these benefits.



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57 minutes
The Journey Starts Here: Building Your Client-Centric Legaltech Roadmap
Corporate legal teams with escalating workloads and competing business demands are increasingly looking to technology to help solve their problems. From document and e-billing to digital contracting, legaltech can help teams become more strategic and productive -- doing more with less and improving their efficiency and effectiveness across the company.



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58 minutes
Leveraging eDiscovery Expertise for Incident Response Matters
Law firms and their clients across industries are seeing a significant increase in cyber incidents. Leveraging familiar eDiscovery and Analytics tools can be an integral part of effectively responding to these incidents. However, it is imperative to understand what makes these matters unique (including scope and workflow) to ensure a strong and defensible outcome all while often under time and cost pressures.



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61 minutes
We Have a Privacy Policy in Place, Are We Compliant?
Privacy Policies and Privacy Programs are unique to each organization. Understanding your data privacy risk and where your data is located should be the starting point to creating a Privacy Policy and Privacy Program. Learn about your data privacy risk by using various assessments and techniques, including data mapping and data privacy assessments.



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58 minutes
The Time for Change Has Come: Streamlining Privilege Review
Given the sheer amount of discoverable data that's out there, the ability to distinguish actual from pseudo privileged information is nearly impossible without the application of "smart" auto-extraction & sifting tools. With communication channels and data sources constantly evolving, is the tedious approach keyword search approach to privilege review still the right option? It does get the job done but with the power of data science & automation at your disposal, why not save time and money?



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61 minutes
The Rise of Document Automation and Digital Contracts -- NON CLE
-- Non-CLE Program -- Perhaps the hottest trend in legal tech at the moment involves contract automation and digital contracts. The partnership between legal expertise and artificial intelligence creates new opportunities for efficiency, accuracy, data analytics, and management of complex agreements. With this blending of technology and legal services, there will be ample opportunities for success for attorneys and knowledge professionals who understand how to adapt and specialize in these new professionals roles.


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61 minutes
Knowledge Management, Legal Technology and the Art of Efficiency -- NON-CLE
-- NON-CLE Program -- Knowledge management initiatives have proven to be a game-changer within firms and corporations over the years and legal technology has only enhanced this. Given the unique position of knowledge management professionals in their organizations, they are ideally positioned to evaluate legal technology solutions and steer their adoption in practice groups and legal departments. This session will offer insights from KM professionals on the way to a more efficient legal organization.


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62 minutes
Beyond TAR 2.0: Exploring the Current State of TAR
Technology-assisted review has come a long way since its early introduction as predictive coding. While each version has its merits and place, it is important to understand that in order to select the right approach for your discovery needs, one must truly understand the underlying process and variables such as time and cost. However, has the time come for TAR 3.0 and what does that look like for discovery professionals?



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60 minutes
How General Counsel Are Working With Their Boards to Bring Value to the Business
***This is a non-CLE seminar*** To better understand the shifting nature of these responsibilities, Corporate Counsel has conducted an exclusive survey with senior in-house counsels and legal leaders to gauge how their relationship with the board has changed over the last year. Our research also asked what role these senior in-house counsels now play in driving business results within their organization as well as how compliance, data privacy, cybersecurity and other issues now play into the decision-making process.

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