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Non-Profit CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Non-Profit

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60 minutes
How to Build Strong Relationships to Drive Successful Digital Transformation - NOT CLE
In today's rapidly evolving legal landscape, the successful implementation of digital transformation projects is contingent upon establishing robust relationships within and beyond your organization. This session will delve into the significance of fostering collaborative and communicative bonds to drive digital transformation initiatives forward. Whether you work on an in-house legal team or at a firm, you will gain valuable insights into relationships' pivotal role in leveraging technology to enhance legal services, streamline processes, and remain competitive in the digital era.

LWNY 2024

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60 minutes
Deploying Tech Solutions to Grow Your Practice - NOT CLE
Law firm success hinges on the ability to drive consistent revenue and new revenue opportunities. the most successful firms are justifying tech investment, evaluating new business intelligence, marketing, and RFP tools to make revenue generation as efficient and effective as possible.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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60 minutes
Answers, Not Research: Evolving the Paradigm of Intelligent Human-Machine Collaboration - NOT CLE
Domestically and internationally, the corpus of legal information required by lawyers is always growing. While navigation, search, and e-discovery have advanced massively, allowing for masses of data to be searched in minutes, are these steps now becoming obsolete — with contextually aware artificial intelligence systems parsing legal information? This talk explores the use of intelligent technologies to transform the tasks from research to answers.

LWNY 2024

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57 minutes
AI Empowering Your Law Practice: From Selecting a Tool to Partnering with a Vendor - NOT CLE
This session also covers how to assess the potential risks and benefits, prioritize the best use cases to optimize value for your firm and how to develop an AI-driven innovation plan that aligns with your firm's strategic plan and data strategy. We will also hear from 2 vendors on best practices for partnering with them and others.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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76 minutes
Am Law 100: Trends, Insights & How Firms Plan to Move Past the Pandemic
Law firms have ridden the uncertainty of the past two years to unprecedented success. The experiences weren’t universal, however, and market dynamics are starting to shift. In this seminar, we will explore how different segments of the market performed and which firms are best positioned to weather any upcoming changes to market dynamics.

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61 minutes
The Rise of Document Automation and Digital Contracts -- NON CLE
-- Non-CLE Program -- Perhaps the hottest trend in legal tech at the moment involves contract automation and digital contracts. The partnership between legal expertise and artificial intelligence creates new opportunities for efficiency, accuracy, data analytics, and management of complex agreements. With this blending of technology and legal services, there will be ample opportunities for success for attorneys and knowledge professionals who understand how to adapt and specialize in these new professionals roles.


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61 minutes
Knowledge Management, Legal Technology and the Art of Efficiency -- NON-CLE
-- NON-CLE Program -- Knowledge management initiatives have proven to be a game-changer within firms and corporations over the years and legal technology has only enhanced this. Given the unique position of knowledge management professionals in their organizations, they are ideally positioned to evaluate legal technology solutions and steer their adoption in practice groups and legal departments. This session will offer insights from KM professionals on the way to a more efficient legal organization.


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60 minutes
How General Counsel Are Working With Their Boards to Bring Value to the Business
***This is a non-CLE seminar*** To better understand the shifting nature of these responsibilities, Corporate Counsel has conducted an exclusive survey with senior in-house counsels and legal leaders to gauge how their relationship with the board has changed over the last year. Our research also asked what role these senior in-house counsels now play in driving business results within their organization as well as how compliance, data privacy, cybersecurity and other issues now play into the decision-making process.

Available with Unlimited Subscription Only. Learn More

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56 minutes
Health Care Issues
The health care industry in general, and hospitals in particular, have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in many respects. At its most basic level, the impact has been devastating financially. The American Hospital Association estimates that between March 1 and June 30, 2020, hospitals will have suffered financial losses of $202.6 billion, or approximately $1.66 billion per day. These losses affect all hospitals, whether they are part of large chains or are stand-alone nonprofits. Economists expect the result to be more financial failures, mergers and bankruptcy filings in an industry that was already in dire financial straits. The panelists will discuss several issues that have been pushed to the forefront by the recent decisions in Gardens Medical Center and Verity Health Systems.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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