This panel will discuss notable Chapter 11 cases and legislation from the past year for an overall refresher and update on chapter 11 basics and trends.
Lawyers used to be able to get away with playing dumb. We could conveniently ignore the misdeeds of our clients…we could keep our eyes shut. Not any more. The ABA recently issued Opinion 491 which creates a responsibility to ask questions about our client’s bad deeds…and every lawyer needs to understand. (Rules 1.6, and 1.2 also covered)
This panel will discuss subchapter V — whether there have been any notable filings, what to expect with this type of filing, what practitioners should be aware of, what issues are likely to be paramount, how practitioners should handle cases filed under this subchapter, and issues that creditors might need to know about — from the perspectives of the DOJ, the prospective appointed trustee and debtor’s counsel.
This panel will focus on the immediate and continuing repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy, with a focus on macroeconomic effects, how businesses have been affected, what efforts have been made by the federal government through various stimulus and relief packages, and what to expect in the future.
This session will also address research that has been conducted regarding biases and perceptions on race and bankruptcy, including decisions on filing and under what chapter to file, and what the bar and the judiciary can do to correct that disparate treatment.
Our expert faculty will update you on a potpourri of automatic stay and discharge injunction violation issues, including the latest guidance from the Supreme Court on action vs. inaction, the return of repossessed cars and the collection of discharged debt.