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Arkansas (AR) Contracts CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Arkansas (AR) Contracts

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60 minutes
Contract Automation Update: Identifying Best Practices & Providing a Roadmap to Success
There are many factors that go into building a successful contract automation roadmap and implementation. Importantly, It’s crucial to understand which areas of contract automation can actually work with your business and which can’t before creating unrealistic expectations of success. Join this session as our experts showcase the latest tools in contract automation, highlight the key components of a contract automation roadmap and offer insights into best practices to avoid future pitfalls.



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62 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Baseball Law
In the next installment of this popular series, grab a beer and a box of Cracker Jack as Peter Afrasiabi walks you through the unique legal position that America’s pastime occupies in the United States. From the first pitch -- when the Supreme Court initially conferred regulatory immunity upon the sport – through to what may be the final out – more recent decisions such as NCAA v. Alston that have opened the door for amateur athletes to profit from their names and likenesses, Peter will make you a legal expert on baseball in nine innings or less.

New Media Legal


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61 minutes
Legal Talks: Contract Life Cycle Management & Analytics
Join this panel as they discuss how best to manage contracts lifecycles and how legal’s role in it can help the process of aligning objectives to business targets.



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64 minutes
Driving Compliance and ESG Initiatives with Contract AI
In this session, you’ll hear from experts and peers with hands-on experience using contract AI to solve for compliance challenges.



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60 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Football Law
In the next installment of this popular series, Peter Afrasiabi asks a simple question: Are you ready for some football? For more than 150 years, the game of football has occupied a unique position in the United States in terms of the legal regime that governs teams and the leagues in which they play. Peter discusses the antitrust decisions and other key developments that have allowed American football to become the global powerhouse it is today.

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Breaking Out of The Form: Smart Direction for Better Drafting
It’s time to write contracts differently! Stuart Teicher, Esq (the “CLE Performer”) uses his unique style to explain why lawyers need to break free from the restrictions of the past — those dreaded forms. Learn about how to “think” and “organize” a transaction, explore the different parts of an agreement, get some details on financing contingencies, and explore plain English a bit as well.

Stuart Teicher


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59 minutes
Civil Competency 101
Join Dr. Brian Russell as he dives into the competencies expected of your clients in civil matters; mainly making contracts, making healthcare decisions and making a will. He uses his knowledge and experience, both as an attorney and a licensed psychologist, to provide a deeper understanding of how to help your client and avoid pitfalls.

Dr. Brian Russell


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59 minutes
How Will Contract Automation Redefine the Traditional Attorney-Client Relationship?
Freeing up attorneys from boilerplate proofing is never a bad thing, but as machines begin to acquire deep learning capabilities, what does that mean for the future role of the contract attorney? What tasks will they be left with? Join us for this provocative session as our expert panelists ponder these questions and more.



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61 minutes
Cost Center to Value Center: Managing Your Contracts as Assets - With an Eye on Risk & Compliance
With companies’ obligations, risk - and value - defined by their agreements nowadays, contracts should be treated as their most vital business assets. That is why in-house legal departments need deeper insight into every agreement - to manage their risk profile and make better business decisions.



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