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Arkansas (AR) Fraud CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Arkansas (AR) Fraud

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61 minutes
Health Care Fraud: Pandemic Impacts and Financial Implications for the Industry
COVID-19 spurred unprecedented levels of government support. Through Provider Relief Funds, Medicare Advanced Payments, PPP loans and other mechanisms, federal agencies provided substantial liquidity, in some cases with strings attached. Join the panelists as they delve into the effects these funds might have had on fraud and abuse in the health care space.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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62 minutes
Updates on The Civil False Claims Act & Whistleblower Protections
The federal False Claims Act (FCA) was enacted in 1863, and now in this modern era we see it used in a range of industries. Our panel of experts in this session will examine trends in FCA enforcement, fraud cases relating to covid-19 and the economic stimulus, as well as developments with whistleblower protection.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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