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California CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For California

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60 minutes
The Data Law Year in Review
Join us as we look back at the year in data law and what it means for the year ahead. We’ll discuss some of the important data law news developments of the year with Zach Warren, editor-in chief of ALM’s Legaltech News, and provide in-depth legal analysis from the bar and bench on these topics with practitioner and judicial perspectives on issues where electronic data are involved, such as access to justice and the attorney-client privilege, sanctions in e-discovery with a default judgment in the Sandy Hook cases, legal and practical considerations in remote legal proceedings, and more.



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60 minutes
Solving Compliance & Regulatory Issues with AI Detection & Tracking Tools
As more and more organizations demand a simpler and easier compliance process, AI reg tech tools have stepped in and attempted to ease the burden that comes with compliance as they look to provide a less manual and more efficient process. Whether it is meeting compliance requirements, streamlining processes, or keeping up with constant regulatory changes, the potential for AI tools in this space is promising.



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65 minutes
Proactive Strategies for Protecting Your Brand from the Risk of Online Conversations
This session will examine the importance of putting strategies in place that mitigate legal, compliance, and brand risk in the online environment.



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61 minutes
Can Lawyers Do That? A Professionalism Question
When Stuart Teicher started a Google search with the phrase “Can Lawyers…” he was shocked to see what the computer suggested as search recommendations….and he knew it would make a great CLE program about professionalism. Join the CLE Performer as he explains how lawyers are held to a higher standard, both in and out of the practice.

Stuart Teicher


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65 minutes
Accelerating the Funding for Diverse Legal Technology Startups
In this sobering session, our panel of experts will take a closer look at how the investment and legal communities could collaboratively more effectively in raising awareness on this issue and effecting real change.



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60 minutes
New Rules & New Realities: Ethically Managing Remote Work
The COVID - 19 pandemic forced many of us to work remotely from our home offices and living rooms and while we originally thought this may be a short-term option, many organizations seeing the greater productivity with this new work format and have decided to keep it up as a long term solution. However, remote work comes with its own set of challenges, and whether it is privacy or surveillance issues, many employers need to act now to remain ethically responsible.



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61 minutes
Regulators Always Ring Twice: Responding to a Government Request
Government investigations can be unpredictable, political, and often public. If handled incorrectly, they can last for many years and spiral into multiple Congressional, criminal, or regulatory investigations at the state and federal levels, and generate serious reputational harm. It is essential all organizations have a strategic government response plan in place and take a proactive approach to these investigations, but what does that look like?



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55 minutes
Hybrid Work and the Discovery of Collaborative, Social, and Mobile Content
2022 will continue to consist of employees located everywhere, and relying upon Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Slack, and mobile apps to get their jobs done. This is having profound effects on eDiscovery, most of which still depends on tools and review processes designed for email. How can firms prepare for the discovery onslaught of persistent chats, video recordings, whiteboards, and emojis?



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61 minutes
Financial Implications of Cannabis-Related Businesses
As marijuana legalization grows, state-by-state, more and more financial considerations arise. Given the ever-evolving nature of the cannabis industry, it is important that any cannabis-related business or anyone supporting or financing a related business stay on top of the latest financial and tax implications of the industry.

The National Underwriter


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