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California (CA) Intellectual Property CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For California (CA) Intellectual Property

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89 minutes
Patent Infringement Damages: Building Damages Analyses to Last in the Wake of MLC International v. Micron Technology
With the ever-changing regulatory trends involving patent infringement, lawyers should be competent in furnishing a sound damage analysis to mitigate risks and effectively respond to damage discovery. Reasonable royalties are by far the most common form of damages awarded among the primary remedies available in patent infringement cases. However, the implications of MLC International v. Micron Technology have left questions among patent litigators, particularly on the required disclosure of a royalty rate during fact discovery. Listen as a panel of distinguished professionals provide a comprehensive discussion of the recent developments and legal issues surrounding patent infringement cases. Speakers, among other things, will discuss the role of patent litigators and economic experts in framing out and filling in a survivable damages analysis

The Knowledge Group


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60 minutes
LJN Webinar Series: AI and Intellectual Property
Conversations around generative artificial intelligence are dominating the social stratosphere. By simulating human cognitive thinking, generative AI can produce new types of text, imagery, audio, and synthetic data by using patterns and informational elements obtained from prior works. Because generative AI often relies on pools of data and third-party creations to create new content, there is a concern that generative AI may, whether intentionally or inadvertently, exploit copyright-protected content to develop purportedly original content. Organizations that leverage generative AI tools should be mindful of how the tools are used in a commercial context to mitigate the risk of infringing uses. Likewise, owners of intellectual property should be aware of how their works are used by generative AI models and the users of these tools, and timely action should be taken to defend intellectual property against infringement.

Law Journal Newsletters


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63 minutes
Famous or Just Almost Famous? Trademark and Dilution Law
When is a trademark famous enough to receive heightened protection under federal law, including protection from being diluted by other similar marks? Peter Afrasiabi discusses the key contours of trademark law and trademark dilution claims in the context of litigation over famous marks including Jack Daniels, Porsche, Victoria’s Secret, Sony, Spotify and Pinterest.

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Design Patents
What is the difference between a design patent and a utility patent and which receives more protection under federal law? Peter Afrasiabi answers this question while explaining the key aspects of patent law, common defenses to patent claims including functionality, obviousness, invalidity/prior art and potential damages in the context of famous patent cases involving Apple, LA Gear, Crocs, Nike and Columbia Sportswear. Peter also shares valuable practice pointers for lawyers grappling with patent issues and claims.

New Media Legal


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57 minutes
IP Rights Enforcement and Technology Implications: Key Considerations and Best Compliance Practices Explored
Join this program for an in-depth analysis of IP rights enforcement amidst the current technological revolution. Speakers will discuss the various challenges brought by these developments and will offer helpful tips to strengthen one’s protection and compliance strategies in this evolving legal climate.

The Knowledge Group


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65 minutes
You Can't Always Get What You Want - Political Campaigns and Musical Performances - From Born in the USA to Rockin' in the Free World
In this fun and timely program, Peter Afrasiabi examines the colorful history of politicians using popular songs at campaign events and the legal disputes with musicians who opposed their works being used in this way. From such famous examples as President Reagan using Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” and former President Trump using Neil Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World,” this program delivers a tour-de-force analysis of copyright, trademark and right of publicity law applied to musical compositions used to sell political campaigns.

New Media Legal


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65 minutes
IP Overview for the Non-IP Lawyer: A Copyright, Trademark, Patent & Trade Secret Survey
Peter Afrasiabi, an experienced intellectual property lawyer and litigator, gives a comprehensive overview of intellectual property rights and how the four key legal frameworks – copyright, trademark, patent and trade secrets – are relevant to all lawyers. At the end of the presentation, you’ll not only be able to spot intellectual property issues when they arise in your practice but have a good sense of how to deal with them, and also when you may want to bring in an expert to provide additional advice or assistance.

New Media Legal


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90 minutes
Social Media Triple Play: False Advertising Litigation, Companies Discovering Social Media and Copyright Takedowns, Shakedowns and the DMCA Safe Harbor
These days, manufacturers of nearly every consumer product under the sun are catching false advertising claims. If you make a consumer-facing product, the odds are, litigation like this is not a matter of if but when, which means, false advertising litigation is just another business risk to be managed, mitigated, and optimized. This program takes a closer look at the landscape, and offers some practical advice and key considerations for how a business might implement some systems to manage this risk. Social media can be a powerful tool for companies to help build relationships with their customers and employees. However, with the benefits of this tool come corresponding risks. If your company distributes content on-line, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act can be your best friend -- and your worst enemy -- often at the same time. This program gives you the advice you need to prosecute or defend on-line copyright infringement claims.

New Media Legal


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62 minutes
Infringe, Do Not: “Star Wars” Lessons in Copyright, Trademark… and an Erotic Film’s Fair Use
Did the TV series “Battlestar Galactica” infringe on the copyrights owned by Lucasfilm in the movie “Star Wars”? Experienced intellectual property litigator Peter Afrasiabi reviews this famous case and several others where the copyright, trademark and right of publicity interests in “Star Wars” were litigated. Along the way, Peter provides an expert overview of copyright, trademark and right of publicity law that will be useful for all practitioners.

New Media Legal


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