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Connecticut (CT) Data Protection CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Connecticut (CT) Data Protection

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59 minutes
Operationalizing Data Privacy to Create Scalable, Repeatable, and Adaptable Programs that Reduce Risk
This session offers practical guidance on how to implement a data privacy governance strategy that offers scalable, repeatable, and adaptable tools and processes that protect privacy, reduce risk exposure, and increase transparency.

LWNY 2024


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60 minutes
Generative AI & Data Privacy: Where Do the Risks Lie?
This session will pull back the curtain to the mysteries of Generative AI, with expert speakers answering some of the most complex questions regarding the impacts of AI on work and life. Panelists will also examine a possible new type of liability schema for regulators, and make predictions on the future of AI governance.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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