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Connecticut (CT) Ethics CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Connecticut (CT) Ethics

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66 minutes
Legal Ethics: What Does ABA Model Rule 2.1 Require of Lawyers?
In the latest installment in this popular series, Zach McGee provides lawyers with practical guidance on how to fulfill their ethical obligations under ABA Model Rule 2.1 to exercise independent professional judgment and to render candid advice.

New Media Legal


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55 minutes
Beyond Etiquette: Demystifying Mandatory Civility Rules for Lawyers 2024
In this CLE program, Attorney Cari Sheehan of Scopelitis Garvin, Light, Hanson & Feary, P.C. will delve deep into the intricacies of these rules, going beyond surface-level etiquette to uncover their legal implications, practical applications, and impact on professional conduct.

The Knowledge Group


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120 minutes
Negotiation Ethics for Lawyers: How to Recognize and Respond to "Dirty Tricks" and Bad Faith Tactics
The discussion will deal with tricks ranging from the easily-spotted “Good Cop, Bad Cop” routine and “Take It or Leave It” positioning, to more subtle bad faith tactics such as introducing phony facts and using time tricks.

New Media Legal


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63 minutes
Legal Ethics: Ethically Bankrupt - The Judge David R. Jones Sex Scandal
In the latest installment in this popular series, Zach McGee discusses the judicial and legal ethics issues that arise out of the bombshell sex scandal that one commentator called “a body blow to the integrity” of the entire bankruptcy system. The facts of this case are so sensational – a bankruptcy judge who was living and sleeping with a lawyer who regularly appeared before him, while at the same time approving fee applications for the lawyer’s legal work in those cases – they would be hard to believe if they weren’t true. Rules covered include: Cannons 2, 2B, 3B & 3C of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges; and ABA Model Rules 1.7, 3.3, 4.1 & 8.4.

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Lessons of Professionalism and Civility from Celebrities I’ve Met
Stuart Teicher (the CLE Performer) travels all across the country giving CLE programs, and he runs into a ton of celebrities on the road. In this program, Stuart will be showing photos of all the selfies he took with celebrities, and connecting those encounters to lessons of professionalism and civility in the practice of law.

Stuart Teicher


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90 minutes
Negotiation Ethics for Lawyers - Introduction
This program uses a hypothetical negotiation between lawyers representing a writer seeking to sell a script and a film studio seeking to buy it to illustrate how the ethics rules apply when lawyers act as negotiators. Participants will walk away with concrete, practical advice, including: What you can and cannot misrepresent or conceal in a negotiation and why; wow to handle tricky issues such as estimates of price or value, willingness to compromise, bottom lines and settlement authority; what statements of law or fact may be considered “material” in negotiations; and when puffing, posturing and exaggerating cross the line.

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Negotiation Ethics for Lawyers: Even More Negotiation "Dirty Tricks" and How Best to Respond
The program will include a review of the legal ethics rules that apply to lawyers when we negotiate as well as some powerful techniques you can use to legally, ethically and strategically respond when the other side is using negotiation “dirty tricks” and bad faith tactics against you.

New Media Legal


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116 minutes
Ethical Strategies for the Modern Lawyer: Navigating the Future of Law in 2024
Join us as we delve into the intricate realm of complex ethical challenges and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of ethical practice for legal professionals. Our esteemed panel of experts will provide you with fresh perspectives, practical insights, and proactive strategies to help you stay at the forefront of ethical excellence in the legal field.

The Knowledge Group


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57 minutes
Balancing Scales and Well-Being: Navigating Mental Health Challenges in Law
Join Attorney Carolyn Reinach Wolf, Executive Partner and Director of the Mental Health Law Practice at Abrams Fensterman, LLP, and Elizabeth Eckhardt, PhD., Director, Nassau County Bar Foundation, for an insightful discussion on substance abuse among lawyers. They will bring extensive expertise to the table, shedding light on recent trends, risk factors, warning signs, and practical strategies for both personal and professional self-care.

The Knowledge Group


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