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Connecticut (CT) Litigation CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Connecticut (CT) Litigation

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57 minutes
Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Construction Industry: Emerging Trends and Developments
Listen as experienced construction lawyers Joseph Darr (Kirwin Norris, P.A) and Steven Nudelman (Greenbaum Rowe Smith & Davis LLP) provide the audience with a comprehensive discussion of the most appropriate alternative dispute resolution strategies in construction-related cases. Speakers, among other things, will offer compliance and litigation strategies to avoid legal pitfalls.

The Knowledge Group


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56 minutes
A Comprehensive Guide on SPAC Litigation and Enforcement: Hot Buttons Explored
Join securities law expert Adrienna Huffman (The Brattle Group) as she brings the audience a comprehensive discussion of recent SPAC-related acquisitions.We will delve into an in-depth analysis of the current trends, litigatio nrisks, and provide practical compliance strategies for transitioning private companies amidst a rapidly evolving legal climate.

The Knowledge Group


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57 minutes
Managing Case Costs for All Sizes of Litigation
Managing litigation costs is important for all sizes of litigation. The technological advances in recent years has enabled parties to participate remotely throughout many stages of litigation, but this discussion will discuss how planning your litigation strategy early can keep costs down while still effectively advocating for your client. 

Property Casualty 360


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59 minutes
How to Avoid Litigation with Pre-Suit Claims Analytics
Pro-active analytics can potentially help identify and mitigate certain risks and avoid litigation. This presentation will focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) related human capital disclosures, including descriptions of a company’s workforce. A number of pro-active DEI-type reviews and audits, such as pay equity audits, reduction-in-force (RIF) audits, and wage and hour audits, may be performed to proactively identify and manage risk of claims, litigation, and financial and reputational impacts. This presentation will provide an overview of how, why, and when companies should consider conducting such reviews to identify and manage risk.

Property Casualty 360


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59 minutes
Alternatives to Litigation: Mediation and Creative Settlements
Property claims often involve multiple parties, emotive issues and significant brinkmanship all of which lead to protracted litigation, significant cost, and delay in resolution. While the numerous types of disputes involved in property losses require the ability to be flexible, very often, they have common themes and would benefit greatly from the narrowing of issues, at the earliest possible stage, which traditional litigation rarely promotes. Creativity and ADR can significantly help in the process.

Property Casualty 360


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57 minutes
Your Claim Has Gone to Court: Understanding What Happens & What to Expect
This presentation will discuss what steps to take when a claim for property damage has progressed into litigation. The presenters will discuss what to expect from start to finish in a litigated claim, focusing specifically on property damages claims and variations state to state. Presenters will share their observations and experiences from practice and jurisdiction, including FL, CA, and the Northeast, as well as the most common types of property claims arising in each area.

Property Casualty 360


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61 minutes
Corporate Rep Deposition Tips and Tricks
Preparing and presenting corporate witnesses for their trial testimony are two of the most important aspects of any trial. They can often be the difference between winning and losing the case. Corporate witness testimony can also substantially impact the value of juror awards. This panel discusses best practices that will help ensure the readiness of corporate witnesses for their trial testimony.

Property Casualty 360


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59 minutes
Proactive Perspectives: Navigating the Challenges of Alternate Data Types in eDiscovery
Okta's 2023 Businesses at Work report reveals that companies with 2,000 employees now deploy an average of 211 apps, marking a 24-app increase from last year. Even smaller companies tend to use over 90 apps. While not all of these apps will contain relevant information for eDiscovery, they do point to a growing concern for in-house teams, law firms, and service providers: how to handle the ever-increasing amount of content, collaboration, and chat data. Legal teams must adapt to this trend and learn the best practices for managing the systems powering their business, whether it's emoji-laden messages in Slack or Teams, Confluence wiki pages, or Zoom meeting recordings.



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61 minutes
Legalweek: Case Law Update 2023
Join this session as our experts outline the most prominent cases dominating 2023, how they will impact the law going forward and big cases that are likely to hit the docket soon.



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