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Florida (FL) Discovery CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Florida (FL) Discovery

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60 minutes
eDiscovery bajo las Normas Federales de Procedimiento Civil
[This course is in spanish.] La mayoria de los abogados saben que la informaci?n relevante almacenada electronicamente (ESI) debe preservarse y presentarse en un litigio. Sin embargo, m?s all? de esas obligaciones basicas, es posible que muchos abogados no conozcan el marco que imponen las Normas Federales de Procedimiento Civil (FRCP) sobre el descubrimiento de ESI. Este programa ofrece una descripcion general de las disposiciones clave del FRCP que dirigen el proceso de descubrimiento en un tribunal federal y delinea pautas y mejores practicas para manejar esos requisitos.

Puerto Rican Bar Association


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59 minutes
Proactive Perspectives: Navigating the Challenges of Alternate Data Types in eDiscovery
Okta's 2023 Businesses at Work report reveals that companies with 2,000 employees now deploy an average of 211 apps, marking a 24-app increase from last year. Even smaller companies tend to use over 90 apps. While not all of these apps will contain relevant information for eDiscovery, they do point to a growing concern for in-house teams, law firms, and service providers: how to handle the ever-increasing amount of content, collaboration, and chat data. Legal teams must adapt to this trend and learn the best practices for managing the systems powering their business, whether it's emoji-laden messages in Slack or Teams, Confluence wiki pages, or Zoom meeting recordings.



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61 minutes
Legalweek: Case Law Update 2023
Join this session as our experts outline the most prominent cases dominating 2023, how they will impact the law going forward and big cases that are likely to hit the docket soon.



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