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Florida (FL) Trial CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Florida (FL) Trial

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82 minutes
Taking Your Trial Advocacy to New Heights: Strategies for Effective Presentations in the Courtroom
Join Lee J. Hurwitz of Segal McCambridge Singer & Mahoney and Christopher Cianci of Lagasse Branch Bell Kinkead LLP for an in-depth discussion on the top strategies for winning trials. Our speakers will explore effective cross-examination techniques, the art of presenting complex evidence in an understandable way, and the use of rhetoric to influence courtroom opinions.

The Knowledge Group


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60 minutes
Persecution by Prosecution: Lessons about Weaponized Legal Systems from the Cold War Harry Bridges Trials - Part 1
This program looks at an actual case of a weaponized legal system, what the Supreme Court called a “crusade,” by exploring the Cold War trials of Harry Bridges. Experienced intellectual property lawyer Peter Afrasiabi, who authored the definitive book on the Harry Bridges trials from National Archive and FBI FOIA records, takes one of the four trials Bridges was subjected to, and looks at how the legal system was contorted to produce what was persecution by prosecution, identifying along the way some of the issues that led the Supreme Court to so conclude.

New Media Legal


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116 minutes
Winning Trial Strategies: Tactics and Defenses Explored
Listen as we provide the audience with a comprehensive discussion on the top strategies to prepare for success at a trial. The speakers will delve into the fundamental aspects to consider, including proven tactics and defenses.

The Knowledge Group


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57 minutes
Advancing Trial Skills: Critical Steps to an Effective Cross-Examination
This CLE presentation seeks to provide practitioners with guidance and advice on how to effectively cross-examine a witness at trial. The panel will discuss the goals of cross-examination, share how to best prepare for the examination, and offer practical tips and tricks for ensuring a strong cross-examination of a witness.

The Knowledge Group


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