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Georgia (GA) Data Privacy CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Georgia (GA) Data Privacy

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61 minutes
Adapting to Change: Litigation Trends Shaping 2024
With the rapid pace of change and ever-evolving regulatory landscape, the risk of litigation is even more prominent for businesses today. As litigation exposure continues to be a leading concern for in-house teams, it is more important than ever for legal professionals to understand current litigation trends so they can best adapt to and prepare for future changes. Panelists in this session will provide a comprehensive look at shifts in the litigation environment, and will provide actionable strategies for tackling these complex cases.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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117 minutes
Cybersecurity for Lawyers: Stay Ahead of the Curve
In today’s digital age, where data breaches and cyberattacks are on the rise, protecting sensitive client information is more crucial than ever for lawyers. Join this session as the panelists equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape and safeguard your practice from emerging threats.

The Knowledge Group


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59 minutes
Trends in US Data Privacy Laws and Enforcement
Join this session as our privacy experts discuss recent additions to the US privacy law patchwork, changes on the horizon, and strategies for navigating widely varying state privacy laws.

LWNY 2024


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60 minutes
Trends in Global Data Privacy Laws and Enforcement
At least one-hundred and three countries have international data privacy laws, and the number of countries enacting laws continues to grow. Panelists will discuss how their organizations are navigating the growing number of laws, current enforcement trends, and how laws will continue to evolve.

LWNY 2024


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60 minutes
The Evolving Landscape of AI in e-Discovery: Staying Ahead of the Curve
Every industry is looking for ways to integrate generative AI into their workflows to support workers, automate mundane tasks, reduce costs, and the legal industry is no different. When it comes to implementing and adopting new technology though, there’s going to be heightened scrutiny and particularly from an ethics, bias and privacy standpoint. Join this session as we share insights on how firms can think about adoption of new technology like LLMs, from forming a task force to piloting products.

LWNY 2024


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