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Missouri (MO) Class Action CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Missouri (MO) Class Action

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117 minutes
Class Action Litigation: Demystifying Trends, Developments, and Best Defense Strategies
The rising competition among several industries including the healthcare and digital platforms has continuously challenged economic fairness and posed compliance hurdles for practitioners specifically under the Sherman Act. Join a panel of key distinguished professionals as they provide a comprehensive discussion of the recent enforcement trends and legislative developments surrounding class action litigation. Speakers will also offer practical tips and strategies in this rapidly evolving legal climate.

The Knowledge Group


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59 minutes
Class Actions Double Play: Avoiding Class Actions and Limiting Exposure with Effective Waivers
More than 5,000 class action lawsuits are filed each year in the state and federal courts in the United States, which means that thousands of lawyers just like you will face the unhappy task of dealing with a class action. Thankfully, there are steps we can take as lawyers to make sure our companies are not easy targets, and to deal effectively and efficiently with a class action lawsuit if and when one is filed. Is arbitration right for your company in agreements with its customers and employees? If it is, how do you craft an enforceable arbitration clause that includes a waiver of the right to assert claims on behalf of a class? This program tells you what you need to know -- and factors you must consider -- when thinking about including arbitration and class action waivers in your contracts.

New Media Legal


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62 minutes
Legal Ethics Double Play: Five Ethical Traps in Defending Class Actions and Ethical Issues in Multijurisdictional Practice
In this installment of our Double Play series, our two, thirty-minute programs cover five ethical traps in defending class actions and ethical issues in multijurisdictional practice. Can your company offer customers a discount on future purchases in exchange for a waiver of claims after a class has been certified? Can you ethically obtain declarations from putative class members to help oppose class certification? This program considers these and other important ethical issues that often arise in class actions. How well do you know the rules that govern your ability to perform legal services in a state where you are not licensed or the sanctions for violating them? This program gives you the guidance you need to avoid engaging in the unauthorized practice of law.

New Media Legal


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