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Missouri (MO) Legal Operations CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Missouri (MO) Legal Operations

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62 minutes
The Era of the Virtual Legal Co-Worker: Four Trends for 2024
In-house legal organizations are increasingly asked to contribute to broader, enterprise-wide initiatives while facing tight staffing and budgets. In this environment, AI should be viewed by legal leaders as additional virtual co-workers for over-burdened legal teams.

LWNY 2024

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58 minutes
Change Management: Leading Successful Initiatives in Your Organization
Corporate law departments are being tasked to drive digital change and transform their internal processes to meet market demand like never before. Change management is key to helping corporate law depts maximize their investment in new technologies they have invested in. This session will focus on how corporate law depts can effectively accelerate operational transformation.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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58 minutes
Creating a Strong Data Culture to Make Your Practice More Efficient
Law firms and corporate legal teams alike have tremendous amounts of data that contain valuable business insights. This session will focus on the importance of creating a data-first culture to enhance your team’s performance and ability to collect new data efficiently and effectively.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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59 minutes
Collaboration Tools: The Challenges and Opportunities Facing eDiscovery
The world of short message communication and collaboration is evolving more rapidly than ever before, and the e-discovery industry is faced with a challenge: what should we be focused on when it comes to short message data, and how do we search, review, and produce it? Join us for a discussion on these challenges and the opportunities to efficiently and effectively manage short message data. You will also learn about the best practices for searching short message communication, the role AI plays in analyzing short messages and what’s next on the horizon.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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59 minutes
Operationalizing Data Privacy to Create Scalable, Repeatable, and Adaptable Programs that Reduce Risk
This session offers practical guidance on how to implement a data privacy governance strategy that offers scalable, repeatable, and adaptable tools and processes that protect privacy, reduce risk exposure, and increase transparency.

LWNY 2024

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74 minutes
Controlling the Legal Department Budget
Amidst an intricate corporate landscape, legal departments are often perceived as cost centers, grappling with the dueling challenges of expected and unforeseen legal contingencies. Yet, the notion that these departments require an unchecked flow of financial resources is far from reality. Many leaders have proven that there are multiple ways to control costs. In this discussion, GCs will discuss the cost management techniques that have resulted in cost savings and/or cost predictability for their departments.

LWNY 2024

Available with Legal Industry Bundles Only. Learn More

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91 minutes
The General Counsel as a Strategic Business Partner
The panel will provide examples of responsiveness and resiliency to changing business needs. The discussion will demonstrate the importance of transparency between legal and the business and provide practical tips.


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61 minutes
Creating Win-Win Outside Counsel Relationships
While outside legal spend remains a top concern for most GCs, one thing remains clear the relationship between in-house and outside Outside counsel - how to actually listen to your inside counsel and help you figure out what clients want and how to deliver (and visa versa for in house - both sides) Getting the most out of that relationship Ruthlessly managing outside counsel budgets - how to propose alt fee arrangements - setting expectations properly, how to review bills - open conversations developing relationships with outside counsel without feeling like everything will be a bill - a chilling effect Meaningful ways of developing relationships Balance How to help them create the comfort level, relationships aren't billed for Controlling costs How to teach outside counsel how to give advice to in house - saves money, trust them, benefits - gap of outside counsel to be trained to do that so there's less back and forth Interactions with outside counsel/managing relationships

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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63 minutes
Speaking Your CFO's Language
As the role of legal in the C Suite continues to evolve, GC's have found themselves in uncharted territories. From understanding financial jargon in legal documents, to being able to interpret financial speak in the boardroom, the roles of CFO & GC have become increasingly intertwined. Join our panel of business law experts as they discuss key insights and answer your burning questions on all things business, finance, and law at the executive level.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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