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New Jersey (NJ) Consumer Law CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For New Jersey (NJ) Consumer Law

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59 minutes
Defending a 523/727 Action
Bankruptcy discharges go to “honest but unfortunate debtors,” but creditors (because they want their money!) don’t always give up their quests to extract money, even after a bankruptcy case concludes. These useful case examples will guide practitioners through a survey of the most common quarrels over discharges and exceptions.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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58 minutes
Subchapter V 101: A Guide to the Bankruptcy Code’s Newest (Sub)Chapter
Subchapter V is the newest option for debtors to reorganize in bankruptcy. Learn from a panel of experienced subchapter V trustees what it is all about and how subchapter V has changed the bankruptcy landscape for the better.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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59 minutes
Bankruptcy Hot Topics with Bill Rochelle 2021
Join ABI Editor-at-Large Bill Rochelle as he hosts a panel of bankruptcy judges to discuss circuit splits on important consumer bankruptcy issues. This panel will be presented in a fun game-show format where the judges will vote to resolve the issues before they reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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57 minutes
Mortgage Mediation in Bankruptcy: How to Make the Mediation Process Successful
The Eastern and Western Districts of Wisconsin, along with Florida’s Middle District, have all set up successful mortgage-mediation programs. This panel will spill the details on how they did it, particularly the ways in which they used web-based portals for document exchanges. Also on tap: the role of mediators and the court’s role in overseeing order processes and timelines.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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64 minutes
Introduction to Chapter 7
Law school can seem like a long time ago, especially when a client walks in the door wanting help on filing for personal bankruptcy. This session will provide an overview of chapter 7: the players, bankruptcy estate, automatic stay, initial consultation and means test. Included in the discussion will be exemptions, preparing schedules, the relevant Bankruptcy Code and Rules sections, local rules, and how to know whether your client can or must redeem, reaffirm or surrender. Brush up on your skills and learn what you need to know about one of the core chapters of consumer bankruptcy.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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60 minutes
Be Prepared: Best Practices for Intake
Successful consumer bankruptcy cases often hinge on the intake process, particularly the details gathered on the intake form. What questions should be asked? What resources should be used? Discover best practices for getting the right information from the very beginning, which can avoid all kinds of headaches later. (No one wants to discover a fraudulent transfer at the 11th hour!).

American Bankruptcy Institute


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99 minutes
Splits and Confounding Issues Destined for the Supreme Court
This session will highlight particularly interesting case law developments to date in 2021 and their impact on bankruptcy law and practice.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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63 minutes
Pursuing a Career Path in Commercial Fraud and Litigation
Hear tips and real-life stories from industry experts on how best to pursue a career path in commercial fraud and fraud litigation.

American Bankruptcy Institute


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62 minutes
Dumb and Dumber: A Bankruptcy Stay Story
The panel enacts three hypotheticals involving repeat filer/debtor Harry, his not-quite-blue-stocking creditor Lloyd of Lloyd’s Auto Lot, and the chapter 7 and chapter 13 trustees, Dusty and Rusty. The legal issues presented will concern the “expiring stay” for repeat filers, redemption of repossessed vehicles, a discharge violation question involving refusal to release the car lien/title, and the attendant procedural and costs questions for each. Ripe Potatoes rates this a “must see”!

American Bankruptcy Institute


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