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New Jersey (NJ) E Discovery CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For New Jersey (NJ) E Discovery

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60 minutes
eDiscovery on the Edge: Stories of Practitioners Pushing the Boundaries of eDiscovery and Legal Tech
eDiscovery technology went big in 2022, delivering ever more extensive capabilities in eDiscovery and stretching out to other areas such as compliance, cyber, continual monitoring, and more. Hear how our speakers use AI and legal tech to push to and past traditional eDiscovery boundaries – while delivering new solutions that solve old problems more effectively, efficiently, and affordably than ever.



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58 minutes
What to Do With Chat: eDiscovery and Governance
A growing challenge is how to manage chat discussions, both in eDiscovery and Information Governance. In this moderated panel session, our experts will delve into issues of ingestion, retention, permissions, and collaboratively discuss the solution paths to the question of what to do with chat in eDiscovery and Information Governance.



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60 minutes
Tales from the eDiscovery Trenches, Litigation, Investigations & Cyber Oh MY!
How are leading eDiscovery professionals deploying legal technology and AI-powered eDiscovery software solutions in novel ways in 2023 from litigation to investigations, compliance to cyber? Hear from practitioners deep in the thick of the most cutting-edge eDiscovery challenges about how they leverage AI.



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60 minutes
Teams, Zoom, Gchat, and Texts - Real World eDiscovery Challenges Posed by Communication Tools
Widespread adoption of tools such as Gchat, Zoom and Microsoft Teams has changed the way companies not only communicate but also collaborate internally and externally. As a result, these new forms of communication provide new ESI challenges for the eDiscovery community, especially as each of these tools differ from one another and pose their own unique challenge.



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60 minutes
The Data Law Year in Review
Join us as we look back at the year in data law and what it means for the year ahead. We’ll discuss some of the important data law news developments of the year with Zach Warren, editor-in chief of ALM’s Legaltech News, and provide in-depth legal analysis from the bar and bench on these topics with practitioner and judicial perspectives on issues where electronic data are involved, such as access to justice and the attorney-client privilege, sanctions in e-discovery with a default judgment in the Sandy Hook cases, legal and practical considerations in remote legal proceedings, and more.



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55 minutes
Hybrid Work and the Discovery of Collaborative, Social, and Mobile Content
2022 will continue to consist of employees located everywhere, and relying upon Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Slack, and mobile apps to get their jobs done. This is having profound effects on eDiscovery, most of which still depends on tools and review processes designed for email. How can firms prepare for the discovery onslaught of persistent chats, video recordings, whiteboards, and emojis?



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58 minutes
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat: Information Governance in the Legal Field
Are you adrift in a sea of legal information? Strap on your flippers and don't fear the shark. We'll tell a salty tale or two and explore these issues together on a deep dive.


Available with Unlimited Subscription Only. Learn More

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57 minutes
Practical eDiscovery Insights from Norton Rose Fulbright's High Impact Cyber Incident Response
Norton Rose Fulbright’s David Kessler, Anna Rudawski and Sam Sessler work together guiding clients through the investigation, containment, and remediation of some of the world’s most high-profile cybersecurity incident response matters. Join us as they discuss legal considerations and data and reporting challenges, while also sharing practical strategies, tools and workflows for practicing effectively in this complex area.



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58 minutes
Leveraging eDiscovery Expertise for Incident Response Matters
Law firms and their clients across industries are seeing a significant increase in cyber incidents. Leveraging familiar eDiscovery and Analytics tools can be an integral part of effectively responding to these incidents. However, it is imperative to understand what makes these matters unique (including scope and workflow) to ensure a strong and defensible outcome all while often under time and cost pressures.



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