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New Jersey (NJ) Ethics CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For New Jersey (NJ) Ethics

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60 minutes
What Beethoven's 5th Teaches about Lawyer Mental Health
Join Stuart Teicher, Esq, as he shows how this masterful piece of music can help lawyers learn about mental health issues in the practice, such as: -Anxiety in the practice of law. -Lawyers, burnout, and being past the breaking point. -The need for lawyers to address anger management. -The unique issue in the practice of law: compassion fatigue.

Stuart Teicher


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60 minutes
Good for the Goose, But Not the Gander: Judicial Ethics Hypocrisy in the Supreme Court and Federal Courts
This program will help you navigate the shifting sands of the judicial ethics and disclosure regimes as they apply to the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts and offers some predictions about potential future reforms by the Court and Congress.

New Media Legal


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63 minutes
Legal Ethics: The Dirty Dozen - Part Three
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee presents Part Three of “The Dirty Dozen” – the 12 most unethical lawyers in the history of lawyering in the United States. The stories of the illegal and unethical conduct of these lawyers are cautionary tales for any lawyer who values his or her law license. Rules covered include ABA Model Rules 3.3, 3.4 & 8.4; California Business & Professions Code section 6103; California Attorney Guidelines of Civility and Professionalism, July 20, 2007.

New Media Legal


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60 minutes
Legal Ethics: The Dirty Dozen - Part Two
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee presents Part Two of “The Dirty Dozen” – the 12 most unethical lawyers in the history of lawyering in the United States.  The stories of the illegal and unethical conduct of these lawyers are cautionary tales for any lawyer who values his or her law license.  Rules covered include:  ABA Model Rules 2.1 & 8.4; Virginia Rules of Professional Conduct 1.7 & 8.4.

New Media Legal


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58 minutes
e-Discovery in the News: Legal and Media Perspectives
From the data of Elon Musk to the texts of Alex Jones, e-discovery has become a big story in the news. With perspectives from the worlds of law and journalism, join us as we examine the e-discovery law issues and the cases that have become major media stories, including topics such as waiver of the attorney-client privilege, preservation of potential evidence, and the varied data sources making e-discovery challenging and, at times, newsworthy. In addition, we’ll examine how e-discovery matters can end up in the news and the potential pitfalls.



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60 minutes
Legal Ethics: The Dirty Dozen - Part One
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee presents Part One of “The Dirty Dozen” – the 12 most unethical lawyers in the history of lawyering in the United States. The stories of the illegal and unethical conduct of these lawyers are cautionary tales for any lawyer who values his or her law license. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 4.1 & 8.4; California Business & Professions Code ? 6102.

New Media Legal


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66 minutes
Legal Ethics: Trump, Gawker and the Legal Ethics of Alternative Litigation Finance
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee discusses the legal ethics issues that arise when someone other than the plaintiff is funding a lawsuit, which often goes by the name “alternative litigation finance” or ALF. Zach examines these issues in the context of the two most famous ALF lawsuits that have been prosecuted to date: E. Jean Carroll’s lawsuit against former President Donald Trump alleging that he sexually assaulted and defamed her, and Hulk Hogan’s lawsuit against the gossip website Gawker alleging that the site invaded his privacy when it published a sex tape in which Hogan appeared. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 1.2, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 5.4 & 7.2; California Rules of Professional Conduct 1.2.1 & 2.1; New York Rules of Professional Conduct 1.2 & 1.8; California Business & Professions Code ? 6129.

New Media Legal


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61 minutes
Legal Ethics: Representing the Devil
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee examines an important question: what are your legal and ethical obligations when your client turns out to be the devil incarnate, or at the very least, a very bad and unethical person? Using the criminal fraud and conspiracy convictions of “PharmaBro” Martin Shkreli and his lawyer, Evan Greebel, as the backdrop for the discussion, Zach provides practical guidance to lawyers should they ever find themselves representing a smart, arrogant, manipulative fraudster. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 1.2, 1.6, 1.13, 1.16, 4.1 & 8.4

New Media Legal


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63 minutes
Negotiation Ethics for Lawyers: Is “Paltering” Ethical?
In the latest installment in the popular “Negotiation Ethics for Lawyers” series, Zach McGee examines the use of “paltering” in negotiations – the active use of truthful statements to create a false impression – to explore whether such behavior by lawyers is ethical. Paltering is a way of deceiving the other side that differs both from lying by commission – where you misstate facts – and lying by omission – where you fail to provide information. In this program, you’ll not only learn to spot when the other side in a negotiation is paltering but also to understand why paltering works so well and why people have such different views on whether it is ethical. Using a hypothetical negotiation between lawyers, Zach will review the ethics rules that apply to lawyers in negotiations and discuss whether paltering in this context is permitted by the rules. You’ll also learn some negotiation techniques that you can use when your opponent is paltering to protect yourself and your client from being deceived. Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 4.1 & 8.4; Cal. Business & Professions Code Sec. 6068.

New Media Legal


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